Business & Finance Blogging

How To Monetize Your Blog The Easy Way - Without Hard Selling

If you are new to Internet Marketing and you wish to make some money through blogging then this article is for you.
A lot of people don't feel comfortable when told to ask for sales in their blog but that is exactly what you need to do if you wish to monetize your blog.
It is easy to sell product through any niche blog if only you know how to do it the right way.
You don't need to do hard selling or use any extreme sales pitch techniques because such approach is not effective or worst still simply won't work at all.
Can you make money online if you have zero experience with selling or you don't think you are cut out to be a successful sales guru? The answer is of course you can!.
Have it ever occur to you that we do selling one way or another? Say for instance, you watched a movie and you like it.
A friend suggest to watch a movie in the cinema and you told them the movie that you watched recently and you continue to narrate on how interesting it was and so and so.
That is in fact selling in the most subtle way!.
Selling is difficult, really hard if you attempt to sell somebody a product that he or she has no need at that particular point of time.
For instance, what are the chances of selling a hair comb to a guy who is completely bald? The days of shouting and screaming at the top of your voice to try get customers to buy what you have to offer is out dated and is no longer practical.
What you should be doing instead is you should try to get qualified customers or targeted prospects to approach you.
Focus your efforts and attention on recommending the best products or services that best match the customer expectations.
A lot of people make the mistake of trying to chase after customers.
Let the customer come to you instead.
It sounds weird but this is what set the successful online business entrepreneurs and Internet marketers from the majority of those who struggle to keep their business afloat.
It is much easier for you to promote a product to someone who don't need anymore convincing words and who is in the buying mood.
You don't need to do a lot of selling if your customer already qualified themselves in the sense that they need such a product to address their wants or needs.
Your job as an Internet Marketer is to try to match the best product or service that will meet the customer requirements.
Sometime a customer may not even know for sure what they want specifically so you have to help them by explaining the values and benefits of your product.
One common mistake that many affiliate marketers make is using hard sell approach in trying to promote products in their blogs.
Truth to be told, people don't want to read a blog that is overtly promotional in nature.
You need to give reasons for people to follow your blog.
The major bulk of your content should be useful information that indirectly relates to the product or service that you are trying to promote.
Instead of using brute force hard sell approach you should edge your way into the customer's life and penetrate their subconscious mind in way that will enable them to associate the product with the useful information that they have received through your blog.
This is a very powerful technique which some called soft selling or pre-selling.
Half the battle is won if you are able to get qualified customers to visit your blog or website.
Thus the key factor is not so much about selling but rather how to promote your website or blog so that the right customer can find you.
This is where search engine optimization is so important.
You need to get your website to be rank as high as possible by the search engines.
Of course you can also consider using paid traffic such as Pay Per Click (PPC) to get your website rank highly as fast as possible.
In summary, making money from blogging is not hard even if you hate selling.
Qualified customers will buy from you if you can promote your product or service in such a way that they can see the benefits and values that directly address their problems.
You should post regularly and over time your blog will earn credibility and the customer will consider you an expert in your niche.
You don't need to do any hard selling once you have establish an authoritative blog in your niche market.
You can monetize your blog without doing any hard selling.
Of course, you should try to master the art of persuasive soft selling as well as being able to write effective sales copy letter.
You will be able to achieve good comfortable income through monetization of your blog if you have a good authoritative blog and persuasive sales copy.

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