I Am the Police State
I am the police state you never imagined encompassing your perspective in every dark alley I WAIT FOR YOU as you run, your heart beating with a terror that I increasingly and methodically induce Flashing bright lights overtake you with The siren call of fascist male authority Your slender gazelle legs only animal prey Hunted in the night everywhere you move Your free will itself is negated Every choice you consider Rendered null and invalid like a cheap coin Meaningless currency through my constant dominion Over you Your boca mouth your boca raton was a gift of mine Don't you recall you never owned your teeth I did I am the police state your childish tiny teeth likes pearlzs are in my black gloved hand as I wait for you to enter the bear trap again to surrender your legs to me AS I RELEASE YOU I will never let go of your beating heart I will never let go of you.
In the office I wait for you as you begin your day Switching on your computer I lie like a phantom under the technical shadows, concealed with my authority your every mouse move your every letter or number touched is underscored revealed on a mirror image reality I am looking at you Screaming your name on your innocent screen I warn you Of your security transgressions against the state I track your cell phone calls while listening in as the employer you trust and the father you never knew Sometimes I withhold your paychecks for good reason I watch you as you pick up your scattered pennies On the floor as I know you will Spend them to get away from me I am the actual police and can arrest you in the office I am the police state and I WILL OVERTAKE YOU Your journey will never lead you away from me At home I have set out our slim white wooden chair You remember our white chair with slats, don't you? Telling you ordering you to lose the weight that Makes sitting in this chair so tight and uncomfortable For our much too well-rounded young hips and thighs not like a boy's slim hips more ideal than yours You will eat only jello for one week but you can pick the flavor Darling daughter, red or yellow jello? Which will suffice? You will eat the jello until the weight is gone and we will be free again! You will sit comfortably in the white wooden chair You WILL do this I demand I order you to do it YOU WILL OBEY ME because I AM THE POLICE STATE AND I AM YOUR FATHER I am under your feet as you walk and I am over your head Looking down and around through internet surveillance I can see you as you relax I wait like a cat in the black night and may appear in the bright blue sky of dawn as a friend Passing you in a crowd unseen Expecting you to know me when the time arrives No matter that I have not spoken to you over the years You must know me because I am the police state I am the policeman and I am the police state I am every sinner you ever knew I am every thought you ever discarded like rumpled pieces of paper in forgotten trash cans along the way I have collected your insights even your throwaways and wait to find a way To harm you To love you To harm you again like before I am the silver SS guard The Matador you know and desire With silver taps on my black shoes, Desiree While I love you wearing my silver black gestapo hat My black leather gloves folded on the table My creased brown slacks or black with a brown belt My businessman's tan briefcase full of unfinished work I glance quickly in your innocent eyes full of fear As I stride aggressively through our locked door holding the only set of keys that the father threw to the daughter My black raincoat is well-fitted on my frame And swirls around me like an impending storm A terrifying wind tunnel with leaves blowing upwards Strangling vines adorn the cloth of my coat A black Madonna speaks in a whisper While the sewing kit has real colored thread and buttons A nascent ray of the sunlight unvarnished that shone once I polish the silver shoes of reality with my shoe man's shoeshine cloth unwanted imagery for women disappears through fair metaphors as I confidently snap my sparkling leather gloves for another cloudy day as the Police State an ambiguous at best reality denied It was a circumfit joining of the pipe organ the pipes themselves were the organ's organs and were playing the organ the coffins were tight and unfitting of my personage I choked until I ran closely with the wind the away wind I simply flew away as an unknown witch not a famous one In the sixties-style folk song in which I simply died as a singer the studio didn't like my work but who cares about their despair? the beauty of it is I am free from the ignominy although it was an origination of the excised metaphor of a spider's head they forced me to choose an insect my father said the SS was never my reference adding I am the police state and I will rise from my grave to avenge Patricia my own order as my child I ask how the hell did the death's head come to be my reference? but isn't a daughter always the father's own order his beloved child his legacy and his hope?
In the office I wait for you as you begin your day Switching on your computer I lie like a phantom under the technical shadows, concealed with my authority your every mouse move your every letter or number touched is underscored revealed on a mirror image reality I am looking at you Screaming your name on your innocent screen I warn you Of your security transgressions against the state I track your cell phone calls while listening in as the employer you trust and the father you never knew Sometimes I withhold your paychecks for good reason I watch you as you pick up your scattered pennies On the floor as I know you will Spend them to get away from me I am the actual police and can arrest you in the office I am the police state and I WILL OVERTAKE YOU Your journey will never lead you away from me At home I have set out our slim white wooden chair You remember our white chair with slats, don't you? Telling you ordering you to lose the weight that Makes sitting in this chair so tight and uncomfortable For our much too well-rounded young hips and thighs not like a boy's slim hips more ideal than yours You will eat only jello for one week but you can pick the flavor Darling daughter, red or yellow jello? Which will suffice? You will eat the jello until the weight is gone and we will be free again! You will sit comfortably in the white wooden chair You WILL do this I demand I order you to do it YOU WILL OBEY ME because I AM THE POLICE STATE AND I AM YOUR FATHER I am under your feet as you walk and I am over your head Looking down and around through internet surveillance I can see you as you relax I wait like a cat in the black night and may appear in the bright blue sky of dawn as a friend Passing you in a crowd unseen Expecting you to know me when the time arrives No matter that I have not spoken to you over the years You must know me because I am the police state I am the policeman and I am the police state I am every sinner you ever knew I am every thought you ever discarded like rumpled pieces of paper in forgotten trash cans along the way I have collected your insights even your throwaways and wait to find a way To harm you To love you To harm you again like before I am the silver SS guard The Matador you know and desire With silver taps on my black shoes, Desiree While I love you wearing my silver black gestapo hat My black leather gloves folded on the table My creased brown slacks or black with a brown belt My businessman's tan briefcase full of unfinished work I glance quickly in your innocent eyes full of fear As I stride aggressively through our locked door holding the only set of keys that the father threw to the daughter My black raincoat is well-fitted on my frame And swirls around me like an impending storm A terrifying wind tunnel with leaves blowing upwards Strangling vines adorn the cloth of my coat A black Madonna speaks in a whisper While the sewing kit has real colored thread and buttons A nascent ray of the sunlight unvarnished that shone once I polish the silver shoes of reality with my shoe man's shoeshine cloth unwanted imagery for women disappears through fair metaphors as I confidently snap my sparkling leather gloves for another cloudy day as the Police State an ambiguous at best reality denied It was a circumfit joining of the pipe organ the pipes themselves were the organ's organs and were playing the organ the coffins were tight and unfitting of my personage I choked until I ran closely with the wind the away wind I simply flew away as an unknown witch not a famous one In the sixties-style folk song in which I simply died as a singer the studio didn't like my work but who cares about their despair? the beauty of it is I am free from the ignominy although it was an origination of the excised metaphor of a spider's head they forced me to choose an insect my father said the SS was never my reference adding I am the police state and I will rise from my grave to avenge Patricia my own order as my child I ask how the hell did the death's head come to be my reference? but isn't a daughter always the father's own order his beloved child his legacy and his hope?