Is a Healthy Cat Supplement Necessary for Pet Cats?
Homeopathic pet health experts are of the opinion that supportive remedies such as a high quality healthy cat supplement can help to keep pet cats healthy and active for a long time.
Why do they say so? Why do pet cats need health supplements at all? How do these supplements work? Let us take a look.
There are four important reasons why healthy cat supplements can be helpful.
Such a supplement can help to improve a cat's health in three ways.
First, it can help to get rid of the toxins present in the cat's body.
Second, it nourishes and rejuvenates the cells in its body.
Third, it can provided added support to the immune system.
One of the problems that cat owners often face when it comes to healthy cat supplements is that they find it hard to choose the right one for their cat.
The best solution to this problem is to choose a supplement that contains herbs that cats in the wild eat regularly.
Huang qi, mistletoe, milk thistle, and ashwagandha are some of the medicinal herbs that cats eat to cleanse their system regularly.
So, a supplement that contains a blend of all these herbs in the right proportion is a very good choice.
The supplement, however, should be free of artificial chemicals as they tend to affect the efficacy and potency of the herbs.
It is, however, not possible to improve a pet cat's health with supplements alone.
A healthy, balanced diet, a supply of fresh clean water, a clean litter box and physical exercise are also factors that play an important role in determining a cat's health.
Why do they say so? Why do pet cats need health supplements at all? How do these supplements work? Let us take a look.
There are four important reasons why healthy cat supplements can be helpful.
- Diet - Most cats do fine on commercial AAFCO certified cat foods.
They are carefully balanced to include the 40 nutritional components required for cat health.
This formula has been perfected over time by veterinary researchers to give the cat the best chance at a healthy life.
That said, this type of diet does not necessarily look like the type of diet a cat would have had in the wild had it not been domesticated as a pet.
This includes raw ingredients and herbal products that a cat would seek to support health and promote healing.
This is the gap that a homeopathic supplement fills. - Polluted environment - Pet cats today are raised in an environment where they can come into contact with a number of environmental pollutants such as household cleaners and cigarette smoke.
This takes a toll on their immune system and overall health. - Toxin buildup - Cats in the wild often eat certain medicinal herbs to get rid of the toxins and cleanse their system thoroughly.
Pet cats, unfortunately, do not have access to such herbs.
This leads to a toxin buildup in their body, which affects their health adversely. - Disease or Symptom Specific Support - Feline supplements are often formulated to support specific diseases.
Choose manufacturers that provide the clinical support for the disease or symptoms you are trying to address.
Such a supplement can help to improve a cat's health in three ways.
First, it can help to get rid of the toxins present in the cat's body.
Second, it nourishes and rejuvenates the cells in its body.
Third, it can provided added support to the immune system.
One of the problems that cat owners often face when it comes to healthy cat supplements is that they find it hard to choose the right one for their cat.
The best solution to this problem is to choose a supplement that contains herbs that cats in the wild eat regularly.
Huang qi, mistletoe, milk thistle, and ashwagandha are some of the medicinal herbs that cats eat to cleanse their system regularly.
So, a supplement that contains a blend of all these herbs in the right proportion is a very good choice.
The supplement, however, should be free of artificial chemicals as they tend to affect the efficacy and potency of the herbs.
It is, however, not possible to improve a pet cat's health with supplements alone.
A healthy, balanced diet, a supply of fresh clean water, a clean litter box and physical exercise are also factors that play an important role in determining a cat's health.