Business & Finance Economics

Recession and Its Unexpected Events

The current diabolical economic downturn has gripped the whole world with its lethal fangs.
The sting of first global recession of 21st century is really painful.
With the companies all over the world busy in load shedding i.
cutting the jobs, people who still have their jobs with them are the luckiest one as far as the present scenario is concerned.
Before the recession, many of us had complaints about either the work or the management but the changed circumstances have brought a drastic change in the behavior of the employees.
Suddenly everyone has started loving his or her job and all the complaints have vanished into the thin air.
Employees all over the world have realized that it's a time to settle down rather than hopping from one job to the other.
They are not running after the money as they used to, but have decided to remain loyal to the company and give the best in order to make the company progress.
This will help them project themselves as indispensable part of the company.
Another interesting fact that has emerged into these turbulent times is low absenteeism by employees, which has revealed the inverse relationship between employment and absenteeism.
With daily front page news of huge number of job cuts around the world, employees have gone into a state of depression which has marred their natural productivity.
Some of them are trying to overcome it by performing harder while some are getting succumbed to it.
This is a good time for bosses of these people.
Few years back the situation was quite different.
The management worked hard to decrease the labor turnover rate but now they don't have to worry about it as there are number of qualified unemployed people available in the global market.
On the other hand, if an employee is seen as an asset and appreciated, he or she may have more clout than ever in the downturn.
This perception makes him or her most sought after person in the organization who can very well negotiate with the management.
The reason behind it is simple.
An organization wants to keep its best employees because they are the people who are going to drive the company through these tumultuous times.
The perception of the companies have changed a lot from it used to be.
Earlier it was all about the education, degree and experience.
But now there is an exemplary shift in their attitude.
Now it's all about the skill and the value addition to the company as work is becoming quite complex.
Therefore, in such situation only those employees will survive who think in terms of what they can do to drive the company rather than boasting about what they have done so far.
It is also know as escaping occupational work silo.
Additionally, the prevailing situation has given the employees a chance to re-evaluate themselves and have a close look at their skills and talents.
The inherent feeling of insecurity has made them to examine many things related to their profession and career more closely.
If you are wondering what your job really means to you these days, try a simple process.
Try searching for a new job and you will know the worth of your present job.

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