Why Sign Up Without Any Assurances About Future Support
About ten years ago, one of the minor but well known international car companies went out of business.
Almost overnight, the resale value of the cars plummeted because of the fear that spare parts would no longer be available.
This highlights the fact that consumers expect and demand...
Backup and Support And the bigger the purchase, the more that they expect that support to be available.
That is why I just cannot understand why business owners sign up to buy a website without any assurances about future support.
A new website is a major purchase for many SME businesses, and yet the purchase is often made in a seemingly cavalier fashion without due regard for what happens after the website is built.
Here are some important things you should consider:
Most will run flawlessly for years, but when they go wrong you want to know that you have the technical help to get things working again quickly.
And even if it is just a simple How-To question about your website, you want to know that someone is there to provide the support that you need.
Most people who I talk to about getting a new website say that:
Well, that is quite simple really! What should you do now? Never buy a website without considering the After Sales Support.
Do a full review of what is being offered before taking on a new website.
Almost overnight, the resale value of the cars plummeted because of the fear that spare parts would no longer be available.
This highlights the fact that consumers expect and demand...
Backup and Support And the bigger the purchase, the more that they expect that support to be available.
That is why I just cannot understand why business owners sign up to buy a website without any assurances about future support.
A new website is a major purchase for many SME businesses, and yet the purchase is often made in a seemingly cavalier fashion without due regard for what happens after the website is built.
Here are some important things you should consider:
- Who pays the ongoing service costs of hosting and running your website?
- What happens if the website breaks - has a fault or doesn't work properly?
- What happens if you need help with changing or updating the website?
- Who is going to manage all of the background technical tasks, such as updates and backups?
Most will run flawlessly for years, but when they go wrong you want to know that you have the technical help to get things working again quickly.
And even if it is just a simple How-To question about your website, you want to know that someone is there to provide the support that you need.
Most people who I talk to about getting a new website say that:
- They haven't changed their website in ages, usually years
- There is no-one to help them with this
- They lost contact with their web developer soon after the website was launched
Well, that is quite simple really! What should you do now? Never buy a website without considering the After Sales Support.
Do a full review of what is being offered before taking on a new website.