Treating Bacterial Vaginal Infection With Proven BV Cures
Many women mistake bacterial vaginosis (BV) for yeast infection.
This is why you should visit a doctor to find about the bacterial vaginal infection.
Once you are sure about BV then it is a matter of using a proven home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.
Home remedies will help to restore the vaginal flora to normal.
These remedies will also improve the immune system so that your body can prevent infections and fight ailments without any remedies.
For many women a combination of hydrogen peroxide wash along with lactobacillus capsules and folic acid capsules has worked really well to get rid of bacterial vaginal infection.
Here are the exact steps: 1) Take 50 ml of 3% concentration hydrogen peroxide and mix with 100ml of water.
Use this solution for washing the vagina twice a day.
You don't have to douche with this solution.
2) Buy good quality lactobacillus acidophilus capsules having over 1 billion live cultures of various lactobacilli.
Consume one capsule daily.
There is no need to insert this capsule in the vagina.
You can instead use plain yogurt for use in the vagina.
Lactobacillus is the good bacterium that will help fight the bad bacteria and restore the vaginal balance.
Purchase and consume 800mg folic acid capsules twice a day.
These capsules help to improve the body immunity.
Additionally you can consume multivitamin tablets to enhance the impact of all the above remedies.
The combination of inside and outside treatment really works well to fight bacterial vaginal infection in the most effective manner.
You will have to try the above steps for 7 to 10 days for getting the best results.
These remedies will not give you instant results.
Patience and persistence will be required for getting results with home remedies.
This is why you should visit a doctor to find about the bacterial vaginal infection.
Once you are sure about BV then it is a matter of using a proven home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.
Home remedies will help to restore the vaginal flora to normal.
These remedies will also improve the immune system so that your body can prevent infections and fight ailments without any remedies.
For many women a combination of hydrogen peroxide wash along with lactobacillus capsules and folic acid capsules has worked really well to get rid of bacterial vaginal infection.
Here are the exact steps: 1) Take 50 ml of 3% concentration hydrogen peroxide and mix with 100ml of water.
Use this solution for washing the vagina twice a day.
You don't have to douche with this solution.
2) Buy good quality lactobacillus acidophilus capsules having over 1 billion live cultures of various lactobacilli.
Consume one capsule daily.
There is no need to insert this capsule in the vagina.
You can instead use plain yogurt for use in the vagina.
Lactobacillus is the good bacterium that will help fight the bad bacteria and restore the vaginal balance.
Purchase and consume 800mg folic acid capsules twice a day.
These capsules help to improve the body immunity.
Additionally you can consume multivitamin tablets to enhance the impact of all the above remedies.
The combination of inside and outside treatment really works well to fight bacterial vaginal infection in the most effective manner.
You will have to try the above steps for 7 to 10 days for getting the best results.
These remedies will not give you instant results.
Patience and persistence will be required for getting results with home remedies.