Health & Medical Women's Health

Chin Implant Surgery

Are you considering having a rhinoplasty, nose job? Do you think your nose is too big? Your nose may not be too big, you chin may be too small.
The facial aesthetics that most people take for granted are defined by the entire face and the proportions of different parts of the face.
If you chin is too small, it may accentuate a nose and cause your nose to look too big.
What are my options for chin reshaping? Chin reshaping or mentoplasty surgery involve either reshaping the bone of the chin or adding some type of implant to increase the projection of the chin.
Reshaping the bone of the chin involves breaking the bone and moving it forward.
Implants, including silicone, wire mesh, and other synthetic materials, can be implanted through a small incision either under the chin or inside of the lower lip to increase the projection of the chin.
Additionally, fat may be added to the chin in select circumstances to increase the projection of the chin.
What if I already had a rhinoplasty? Revision rhinoplasty surgery is always an option.
If the chin is the only problem, chin surgery may be undertaken separately to correct the chin problems.
What type of anesthesia will I need? Chin implant surgery can generally be performed with only local anesthesia, similar to what happens at the dentist's office.
If you desire, additional sedating medication can be used to help make things a bit more relaxing.
How long do the results last? Regardless of the type of implant used or if bone is moved, chin surgery is generally permanent.

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