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Are There Really Spray Paint Secrets To Painting A Car?

When we notice some of the awesome paint finishes in auto magazines or at auto shows, inevitably we wonder if there are some special spray paint secrets that professional auto body shops keep from the public. While there are no €official€ spray paint secrets, there are a few things that the pros would prefer you did not learn. Luckily, there is a site that offers a course that will teach you all of these supposed spray paint secrets. At you will find a course with everything you need to know on auto painting.

For example, blending paint can be considered a secret of spray painting vehicles. This technique has all but eliminated full panel painting. and its accompanying course will show you how to become an expert at blending. Until you are well versed in the art of blending, base coat/clear coat is the best option for you to work with. It is true that the actual color of the repaired area may not match the adjacent panels exactly, but the blend will create such an illusion that the affected area will not appear to have ever been damaged.

In addition to blending paint, orange peel removal and prevention is a secret that many novice auto painters will need to know. Orange peel is that ugly, bumpy look that is often caused by improper technique. The proper technique will be shown to you. Luckily if you still get orange peel, this can be sanded out if you know the proper procedure. This, of course, is covered extensively on the website and in the course.

Proper care for your tools is always necessary, regardless of what type of project you are undertaking. The same goes for spray paint guns. If you decide to purchase a gun, make sure to clean and maintain it after each use. This will ensure it sprays perfectly for many years to come. An improperly maintained spray paint gun can ruin your paint job. If you are not interested in purchasing a gun, they are available for rent. If you rent one, make sure to clean the gun yourself before using it just in case the renter before you was careless.

There you have it. These are just a few of the supposed spray paint secrets that are explained in the course at If you want a more in depth explanation of these tips log on to the site. Just for logging on and providing some contact information, you will be given a free eBook packed with loads of info on auto body painting. You really have nothing to lose by logging on, so go check out today!

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