How to Get Rid of Spots: Make Your Zits, Pimples, and Blemishes a Thing of the Past!
If you are reading this article, then chances are you suffer from spots of some kind (zits, pimples, acne etc.
) and wish to make this condition a thing of the past.
Well you are not alone! Breakouts like these effect millions worldwide, and in many cases it may seem as though nothing can be done to control your spots.
Although these spots can indeed be pesky when you don't know how cure them, with a little knowledge you will find that removing these annoyances once and for all is actually pretty simple.
Without further ado, here is my guide on just how to get rid of spots: 1.
) Avoid Contact with Pimples: For some reason a lot of people think that popping a pimple and draining the puss inside will automatically cure the whole site.
In fact, the opposite is true.
Scratching, squeezing, pinching, and god forbid, popping, will all just irritate the site of the zit.
In most cases this will make the healing process last even longer, and can often lead to further swelling and even scarring.
The problem with touching your spots is that your hands are covered in grease and oil, they very substances that led to the formation of the spot in the first place.
And if you choose to pop the spot, then you will most likely have an open sore to deal with, which in addition to being unsightly and painful, is also much more open to infection than the spot ever was.
) Keep Your Face as Clean as Possible: Like it or not, your face in its natural state is pretty oily.
The secretion of this oil is how your skin lubricates itself, but an excess of this oil can lead to the development of zits and acne.
Once one enters his adolescent years, his hormones adjust, and for a period of time his skin secretes oil even more aggressively, which can make his skin feel greasy.
Combine this natural oiliness with things like sweat, makeup, grime, tears, and contact with hands or hair, and you have a surefire recipe for a breakout! For this reason it is important to thoroughly wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
Use a washcloth and a soap specifically crafted for use on the face.
If you have preexisting spots, make sure to scrub them directly, even if this process is painful.
) Keep Your Pillow Case Clean: This may sound weird, but hear me out, I promise this helps more than you can imagine! The average person spends seven or eight hours with their faced pressed up against their pillow each day.
During this period, all of the oils and whatever other gunk that person might have on their face are absorbed into the fabric of the pillowcase.
Each night when you lay down, you are reapplying all of this grime, pressing your face against it for hours...
For this reason it is extremely important to clean your pillowcase frequently.
Once a week would be good, every other day would be great.
It might be a good idea to keep multiple pillows on your bed, switching which one you sleep with each night.
These three tips are just a primer on how to get rid of spots, but they will give even those who suffer from severe acne a real shot a reducing the frequency and intensity of their breakouts!
) and wish to make this condition a thing of the past.
Well you are not alone! Breakouts like these effect millions worldwide, and in many cases it may seem as though nothing can be done to control your spots.
Although these spots can indeed be pesky when you don't know how cure them, with a little knowledge you will find that removing these annoyances once and for all is actually pretty simple.
Without further ado, here is my guide on just how to get rid of spots: 1.
) Avoid Contact with Pimples: For some reason a lot of people think that popping a pimple and draining the puss inside will automatically cure the whole site.
In fact, the opposite is true.
Scratching, squeezing, pinching, and god forbid, popping, will all just irritate the site of the zit.
In most cases this will make the healing process last even longer, and can often lead to further swelling and even scarring.
The problem with touching your spots is that your hands are covered in grease and oil, they very substances that led to the formation of the spot in the first place.
And if you choose to pop the spot, then you will most likely have an open sore to deal with, which in addition to being unsightly and painful, is also much more open to infection than the spot ever was.
) Keep Your Face as Clean as Possible: Like it or not, your face in its natural state is pretty oily.
The secretion of this oil is how your skin lubricates itself, but an excess of this oil can lead to the development of zits and acne.
Once one enters his adolescent years, his hormones adjust, and for a period of time his skin secretes oil even more aggressively, which can make his skin feel greasy.
Combine this natural oiliness with things like sweat, makeup, grime, tears, and contact with hands or hair, and you have a surefire recipe for a breakout! For this reason it is important to thoroughly wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
Use a washcloth and a soap specifically crafted for use on the face.
If you have preexisting spots, make sure to scrub them directly, even if this process is painful.
) Keep Your Pillow Case Clean: This may sound weird, but hear me out, I promise this helps more than you can imagine! The average person spends seven or eight hours with their faced pressed up against their pillow each day.
During this period, all of the oils and whatever other gunk that person might have on their face are absorbed into the fabric of the pillowcase.
Each night when you lay down, you are reapplying all of this grime, pressing your face against it for hours...
For this reason it is extremely important to clean your pillowcase frequently.
Once a week would be good, every other day would be great.
It might be a good idea to keep multiple pillows on your bed, switching which one you sleep with each night.
These three tips are just a primer on how to get rid of spots, but they will give even those who suffer from severe acne a real shot a reducing the frequency and intensity of their breakouts!