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He Likes You Signals - 4 Clues

Just trying to figure out if the guy you like is really into you or not can wind your brain into knots.
It just makes things even more difficult when his signs seem to switch from one day to the next.
Today his eyes make you feel like you are the special girl in his life, and tomorrow he looks past you like you're regular wallpaper.
You don't have to waste your life questioning whether or not his feelings are genuine and shared.
Here are a few straight forward but good litmus tests that can reveal the depth of his real feelings: 1.
Flash Him Your Warmest Smile - This might seem a bit overwhelming at first, but his response will help you determine if he likes you.
Give him your best warm and friendly "I'm really happy to see you" smile, look away briefly, then give him a small gentle smile again.
Does he seem as sincerely happy to see you as you are to see him? If he does, there is a great chance that he likes you.
If he breaks eye contact before the 3-5 seconds it could be a sign that he's not interested or that he's just shy.
Does He Approach You? - A good way to figure out if he is into you is whether he is approaching you or not.
A guy wants to make sure that he has a chance with you before he risks an overture that might get him shot down in flames, so he will often initiate with small test signals.
A small smile or brief "Hello" from him may mean a lot.
Has He Asked You Out On a Date? - Sure, he likes something about you if he asked you out, but the timing and manner of asking for a date can sometimes uncover a lot.
If he asks you out to an event that's on the same day, it could just be because someone else backed out at the last minute and he didn't want to go by himself.
You will know that "It's got to be you" when he makes a point to book your time well in advance.
Does He Wait for You to Contact Him? - Is he the one who contacts first most of the time? It's not your job to be the one to phone him every time, so just leave the phone alone for a week and see if he misses you enough to call.
The real test of his fondness is to see if he will pursue you even if you do not call him first.

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