Health & Medical sports & Exercise

No More Flabby Bat Wings! Tighten and Tone Your Arms

Summertime can be a stressful and embarrassing time for women who have flabby arms - also called the dreaded bat wings.
The flabby loose skin hanging on the back of the arms can be embarrassing and prevent you from enjoying summer fashions and swimwear.
Don't be embarrassed by your flabby arms any longer.
All you need to firm and tone your biceps, triceps and reduce the appearance of flabby arms are some exercise bands and two light weight dumbbells.
You can exercise in the privacy of your home to strengthen your triceps and get rid of flabby arms once and for all.
Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each of the following exercises three days each week.
The dumbbell triceps extension will tighten up flabby arms quickly.
Sit or stand and hold one dumbbell in each hand.
Point your palms toward your abdomen.
Raise one arm over your head and bend your elbow.
Lower the weight behind your head toward your upper back.
Lower the dumbbell as far as you can and hold for 5 seconds.
Repeat the same exercise with the other hand.
Alternatively, use one dumbbell held by both hands and lower both hands behind your head toward your back.
You can perform the same tricep extension using exercise bands.
Stand on the exercise band on the side of the arm you will be exercising.
Pull the band and raise your arm straight up.
Then lower your arm behind your head and hold for a count of 5.
Raise your arm back up and repeat the exercise for 10 to 12 repetitions.
Switch sides to work the other arm.
This exercise also works the biceps and will help rid you of those flabby arms quickly.
The lying French press is performed lying on your back on a bench or on your bed.
Place your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent so that your thighs are parallel with the floor.
Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and slowly push the weights toward the ceiling stretching your biceps.
Fully extend your arms, and then slowly and carefully lower the weights toward your shoulders.
Stop when you feel tension in the back of your arm in your triceps muscles.
Hold this position for 5 seconds and then push the weights back toward the ceiling again.
Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions to help improve flabby arms.
Stand with your back to a chair and place your hands on the back of the chair with your palms down.
Your knuckles should be facing forward and your hands closer together than shoulder width.
Next, bend your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
As you lower your body, your elbows will point outward from your body.
You should feel tension building in your triceps and biceps.
Hold the position for 2 to 3 seconds and then reverse the exercise motion by straightening your elbows and slowly returning to a standing position.

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