Pagers: A New Function out of an Old Technology
Before cellular phones dominated the telecommunication industry, pagers used to be the most dependable medium for wireless communication. This simple personal telecommunication device can bridge the distance separating people. There are one-way numeric pagers that can only receive messages containing a few digits. Alphanumeric and two way-pagers are also available. Two way pagers can receive and send e-mail, numeric pages and SMS messages.
With the advent of cellular phones in the 90's and the today's popular Internet, pagers have become a useless out-of-fashion gadget. In the previous years, pagers are only used in hospitals where cellular phones' signal is weak. However, restaurant owners find a new function for pagers and bring it back to the limelight of the telecommunication industry.
The innovative bistro pagers, customer pagers and even waiter pagers are becoming the trend in restaurants and bistros. As the names suggest, these gadgets are mainly used in restaurants as a means of communication amongst the management, food attendants and customers.
Bistro pagers allow the food enterprises' owners to have greater control over the operation of the restaurant/bistro. Instead of personally giving orders, the notifications and instructions are sent via pagers. The ability to send messages to a number of food attendants is perceived to be advantageous because it permits the owner to perform other tasks at the same time. Instead of spending most their time in searching for people and giving orders, owners can focus on the operation of their business.
Customer pagers are a variety of bistro pagers. These pagers are handed to the customers upon their entrance to the restaurant. Instead of standing in line while waiting for a table to be cleared, customers can walk around and explore the other parts of the area. Customer pagers also replace overhead pagers, which are said to cause noise and distraction.
Waiter pagers, as the name suggest are those that food attendants use to communicate with each other. Through this gadget, they can easily receive instructions and notifications from the managers. Thus, they can maximize their work and perform it efficiently. The utilization of pagers as restaurant gadgets set a new trend in the industry. In addition, it renews the functions of pagers.
With the advent of cellular phones in the 90's and the today's popular Internet, pagers have become a useless out-of-fashion gadget. In the previous years, pagers are only used in hospitals where cellular phones' signal is weak. However, restaurant owners find a new function for pagers and bring it back to the limelight of the telecommunication industry.
The innovative bistro pagers, customer pagers and even waiter pagers are becoming the trend in restaurants and bistros. As the names suggest, these gadgets are mainly used in restaurants as a means of communication amongst the management, food attendants and customers.
Bistro pagers allow the food enterprises' owners to have greater control over the operation of the restaurant/bistro. Instead of personally giving orders, the notifications and instructions are sent via pagers. The ability to send messages to a number of food attendants is perceived to be advantageous because it permits the owner to perform other tasks at the same time. Instead of spending most their time in searching for people and giving orders, owners can focus on the operation of their business.
Customer pagers are a variety of bistro pagers. These pagers are handed to the customers upon their entrance to the restaurant. Instead of standing in line while waiting for a table to be cleared, customers can walk around and explore the other parts of the area. Customer pagers also replace overhead pagers, which are said to cause noise and distraction.
Waiter pagers, as the name suggest are those that food attendants use to communicate with each other. Through this gadget, they can easily receive instructions and notifications from the managers. Thus, they can maximize their work and perform it efficiently. The utilization of pagers as restaurant gadgets set a new trend in the industry. In addition, it renews the functions of pagers.