Turning your Blog Into An Ebook
Ebooks are still all the rage these days, and many people are getting them for free, and buying them on the Internet. However, did you ever stop to think about what it takes to really create one? Well for the most part, most people create an ebook by firing up their text editor, or word processor and then write it, and then convert it into a PDF file.
However, theres another way to generate ebooks, and it has to do with blogs. Yup, you've got it, the blog. You see, you can actually turn your blog into an executable ebook that you can either give away, or sell online.
Now here's where it gets interesting because as you may know, blogs, and their content are always changing. That is, they're never static. That's a really good thing because if you want to use a blog as an ebook, then you have the chance to really provide your readers with a wealth of endless content that could never normally fit into a single ebook that is stored on one's hard drive.
You see, taking a blog and turning it into an ebook is really great because you can add content to it whenever you want, but at the same time, still feed your readers with quality content.
Now in order to do this, you're going to need some sort of HTML compiler program. You will then need to create a front page for the book so that people can go to the book directly from the program. On this intro page, you can put any advertizements you want, such as another book that you're selling online and have a link to it sothat the readers can click on it and purchase the other book.
The neat thing about using blogs as ebooks is that it is all done online, and the individual doesn't have to store a huge file on their hard drive. A matter of fact, the orginal size of the book is so small that it can fit onto a standard USB flash drive, and taken anywhere where there is an Internet connection and the individual can read their book from anywhere in the world.
However, it gets more interesting than that because if you set it all up right, the book can practically write itself over the days, and or months, thus keeping your readers very happy. You would accomplish this by simply telling the blog when to post your material, and on what day, and the rest is history. Now in order to do this, you're going to need some sort of HTML compiler program. You will then need to create a front page for the book so that people can go to the book directly from the program. On this intro page, you can put any advertizements you want, such as another book that you're selling online and have a link to it sothat the readers can click on it and purchase the other book.
Of course, you will need to prepare the content ahead of time, but that shouldn't be a real problem if you love to write anyway. Then when people run their executable ebook file, they will always have access to the latest information right at their fingertips.
However, theres another way to generate ebooks, and it has to do with blogs. Yup, you've got it, the blog. You see, you can actually turn your blog into an executable ebook that you can either give away, or sell online.
Now here's where it gets interesting because as you may know, blogs, and their content are always changing. That is, they're never static. That's a really good thing because if you want to use a blog as an ebook, then you have the chance to really provide your readers with a wealth of endless content that could never normally fit into a single ebook that is stored on one's hard drive.
You see, taking a blog and turning it into an ebook is really great because you can add content to it whenever you want, but at the same time, still feed your readers with quality content.
Now in order to do this, you're going to need some sort of HTML compiler program. You will then need to create a front page for the book so that people can go to the book directly from the program. On this intro page, you can put any advertizements you want, such as another book that you're selling online and have a link to it sothat the readers can click on it and purchase the other book.
The neat thing about using blogs as ebooks is that it is all done online, and the individual doesn't have to store a huge file on their hard drive. A matter of fact, the orginal size of the book is so small that it can fit onto a standard USB flash drive, and taken anywhere where there is an Internet connection and the individual can read their book from anywhere in the world.
However, it gets more interesting than that because if you set it all up right, the book can practically write itself over the days, and or months, thus keeping your readers very happy. You would accomplish this by simply telling the blog when to post your material, and on what day, and the rest is history. Now in order to do this, you're going to need some sort of HTML compiler program. You will then need to create a front page for the book so that people can go to the book directly from the program. On this intro page, you can put any advertizements you want, such as another book that you're selling online and have a link to it sothat the readers can click on it and purchase the other book.
Of course, you will need to prepare the content ahead of time, but that shouldn't be a real problem if you love to write anyway. Then when people run their executable ebook file, they will always have access to the latest information right at their fingertips.