Better Living Through Coffee Zen
Every day, millions of Americans wake up with a cup of their favorite coffee, readying themselves for whatever is to come.
These men and women build your roads, deliver your mail, and serve your meals.
Together, we all bind together within the great magnet and do what is necessary for the prosperity of ourselves and of our neighbors.
Unfortunately, all the good intentions in the world won't guarantee that all the pieces within the machine run smoothly--the roads still host car crashes, mail still gets lost, and meals still get under-or-overcooked.
The human body works much in the same way: despite our efforts to put only what is good inside of it, sometimes the pieces don't always run smoothly, and this breeds fear of detriment to one's health, which is just as unhealthy as the maladies we concern ourselves with.
What if that little cup of coffee in the morning was actually helping you prevent these maladies in ways which you couldn't even imagine? Would that fear subside? Could people learn to feel the calm stillness that has been ripped from an existence where we spend so much time worrying about death, that we forget to live? Let's consider it for moment.
In many studies conducted in recent history, the top men and women in various fields of science have learned that, that little cup of coffee is capable of doing so much more than just waking you up.
Let's begin with life and death itself.
Drinking coffee has been associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men, and a 26% lower risk of death in women.
In other words, drinking coffee can actually prolong your life! Additionally, the idea that drinking coffee leads to heart disease has not only been debunked as a myth, but studies are showing evidence that women who drink coffee actually have a REDUCED risk of heart disease, and coffee drinkers in general have a 20% lower risk of stroke than non coffee drinkers.
However, these benefits are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the hidden world of java JuJu.
Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which not only causes the desired stimulant effect, but also improves various aspects of brain function (memory, mood, and reaction times, just to name a few).
Coffee drinkers have also been reported as having a 65% lower chance of developing Alzheimer's and thus the dementia connected to it.
Additionally, it appears to work as a preventative shield for the liver, and even contributes to the prevention of colorectal cancer.
See how many secret skills this simple beverage holds? I cannot and would not speak for anyone else, but I know that I rest easy when I think about how much of my health is actually being fortified by my morning cup(s).
The reduction of that fear allows me a certain sense of peace in my daily life, which, despite the jittery reputation that coffee has, DOES bring me stillness.
So remember: during the hustle and bustle of your daily trials and tribulations, remember to give a warm "cheers" to the coffee gods, drink up, and relax.
Your morning cup just might save your life.
These men and women build your roads, deliver your mail, and serve your meals.
Together, we all bind together within the great magnet and do what is necessary for the prosperity of ourselves and of our neighbors.
Unfortunately, all the good intentions in the world won't guarantee that all the pieces within the machine run smoothly--the roads still host car crashes, mail still gets lost, and meals still get under-or-overcooked.
The human body works much in the same way: despite our efforts to put only what is good inside of it, sometimes the pieces don't always run smoothly, and this breeds fear of detriment to one's health, which is just as unhealthy as the maladies we concern ourselves with.
What if that little cup of coffee in the morning was actually helping you prevent these maladies in ways which you couldn't even imagine? Would that fear subside? Could people learn to feel the calm stillness that has been ripped from an existence where we spend so much time worrying about death, that we forget to live? Let's consider it for moment.
In many studies conducted in recent history, the top men and women in various fields of science have learned that, that little cup of coffee is capable of doing so much more than just waking you up.
Let's begin with life and death itself.
Drinking coffee has been associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men, and a 26% lower risk of death in women.
In other words, drinking coffee can actually prolong your life! Additionally, the idea that drinking coffee leads to heart disease has not only been debunked as a myth, but studies are showing evidence that women who drink coffee actually have a REDUCED risk of heart disease, and coffee drinkers in general have a 20% lower risk of stroke than non coffee drinkers.
However, these benefits are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the hidden world of java JuJu.
Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which not only causes the desired stimulant effect, but also improves various aspects of brain function (memory, mood, and reaction times, just to name a few).
Coffee drinkers have also been reported as having a 65% lower chance of developing Alzheimer's and thus the dementia connected to it.
Additionally, it appears to work as a preventative shield for the liver, and even contributes to the prevention of colorectal cancer.
See how many secret skills this simple beverage holds? I cannot and would not speak for anyone else, but I know that I rest easy when I think about how much of my health is actually being fortified by my morning cup(s).
The reduction of that fear allows me a certain sense of peace in my daily life, which, despite the jittery reputation that coffee has, DOES bring me stillness.
So remember: during the hustle and bustle of your daily trials and tribulations, remember to give a warm "cheers" to the coffee gods, drink up, and relax.
Your morning cup just might save your life.