Health & Medical Anti Aging

Sexual Activity As the Best Medicine For Old Age - How Can This Prolong Your Life?

As one ages, there are a lot of activities that were once done with energy and vigor that can no longer be performed with the same intensity.
For one, there is the sexual activity among many.
As they grow old, the frequency of this activity is lessened.
Good thing now is that due to the developments in science, there are already pills that increase your libido for a more satisfying sexual activity for you and your partner as well.
Today, because science has already conquered many of the problems before, impotency is no longer a concern in old age.
Due to the maintenance of sexual activity even until late in life, there are healthful benefits that can be had.
If you are thinking that this is purely for pleasure, you are wrong.
There are a lot of benefits that you can get which can even prolong your life.
For one, sex relieves stress.
It lowers blood pressure, reducing one's stress level.
It also enhances immunity.
When one has sex regularly, say once or twice a week, the person produces a high level of antibodies.
It therefore is a good source of protection from colds and other forms of infection.
Sex is also a good source of exercise because of the physical activity that you perform.
As a result, it was also found out that sex improves your cardiovascular health.
In most cases, one should not worry of suffering from a heart attack when engaging in sex.
Sex also improves one's self esteem.
When a person has sex, he or she feels good about himself more.
It also reduces pain.
So if you are suffering from headaches, pre-menstrual syndrome, or joint pains, try having sex and discover that it actually lessens your pain.
Finally, it can also assist you in getting better sleep.
When you get enough sleep, you will naturally have a healthier well being.
So before you consider taking in those medicines, try having sex.
This could be the medicine that you just need.

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