Business & Finance Finance

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in India

India is poised to become the world's third largest economy by 2028 if the estimates drawn by a leading UK-based think tank are to be believed.
Even as India is recovering from the slowdown caused by the rupee's fall in 2013, the Centre for Economics and Business Research recently tipped the country to become a robust economic force and overtake even Japan in the next 15 years.
If you are planning to grow your business and extend its footprint to promising locations, it is probably the best time to invest in India.
Experts believe mid and small-sized industries and business organizations will take the Indian economy to new heights.
The Indian government is working hard to make the procedure of setting up a business here smoother.
Single-window systems are being developed for various government clearances pertaining to any type of investment in the country.
These systems will make it a lot easier for entrepreneurs to set up shop without hassles.
The entrepreneurs will get various clearances at one place instead of running from one department to another to complete the formalities.
Below are some reasons explaining why you should invest in India and why the country has become one of the favourite global destinations for investment - A vast consumer market The world's top retail companies are queuing up to tap the vast consumer market in India, a country with a billion plus population.
The urban middle class and its spending power have grown tremendously in the past few years.
Leveraging the opportunities will be any global business organization's dream.
The government is in the process of introducing a law which will clear the deck for 100% FDI in retail sector.
It is a huge opportunity for big, mid as well as small-sized business organizations.
Human resource The availability of human resources and that too at cheaper rates also make the country a favorite investment destination.
Though, a lack of skilled human resources is felt here as the country generally face brain-drain due to highly skilled individuals landing jobs at much higher salaries in countries like USA, UK, Australia and Canada, many believe appropriate opportunities will make them return to their country.
Growing economy despite odds Despite all odds which are keeping other countries from making fast growth, India's economy is growing at a sturdy pace.
A peaceful democratic set-up and lenient laws also make it easier for a company to grow and flourish.
These are the basic reasons to prompt you to take the plunge and invest in India.

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