Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Arthritis And Your Back Pain

Arthritis is a condition that can affect every joint in all parts of the body including your back.
Essentially, arthritis is an inflation of the joints and inflation of the joints then results in pain.
Because of the pain caused by arthritis, there is a natural tendency for those who suffer from this condition to protect their sword joints by limiting the motion, thus avoiding the pain and discomfort.
However, the conventional thinking today with treatments is that avoiding the pain with lack of movement isn't always the best alternative.
Exercise of the joints affected by arthritis has come to be the most accepted treatment that attempts to improve the situation rather than just mask the pain.
Many doctors will send their patients who have arthritis to physical therapists.
These physical therapists have programs that are designed to provide exercise to the muscles that surround the affected joints and to the joints themselves.
Initially you may find that these exercises seem to actually cause additional pain when being performed.
But keeping with the program and strengthening the surrounding muscles and developing flexibility will in time help alleviate the pain.
Gaining flexibility and strength to arthritic joints and the muscles around them has been proven to reduce the daily pain of arthritis.
Some exercises may be active, while others may be passing; physical therapist today he will probably use a combination of both.
Depending upon each situation the physical therapist may even add some type of weight or resistance to the strength training itself.
One of the best forms of exercise for arthritic patients is that of water aerobics.
The natural buoyancy of water helps take the effects of gravity off of the sword joints during exercise.
This enables the arthritic person to exercise more easily and gain the benefit of the exercise, while not having to have to support their full body weight.
When it comes to a sore back due to the onset of arthritis, water aerobics is also a very good method for pain relief from the sore aching back.
Restoring flexibility and strength to joints and the surrounding muscles for those who suffer from arthritis can help to reduce pain and also allow them to reduce the pain medications that they have to take.

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