Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Get the Smell Out of an Outside Dog Pen

    • 1). Scoop up all dog waste at least every other day and dispose of in plastic trash bag. If you wait longer, the smell will start to get into the ground. If you don't have time to keep to this schedule, consider hiring a teen neighbor or dog pick-up service to help.

    • 2). Clean cement pen floors with one part bleach, four parts water in a spray gun attached to the hose. Be sure to wash down any exterior walls to which a male dog has access. Allow to dry before giving pets access to the area.

    • 3). Cover the ground of a small enclosed pen with cedar shavings. The shavings should be 1 inch deep and cover the ground evenly. Not only will cedar shavings help eliminate odor, they will also help repel fleas and ticks. If your dog is allergic to cedar shavings, use pine.

    • 4). Invest in artificial turf or pet mats for part of your pen area. Check with your local pet store for the brand that is the most durable and easy to clean.

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