Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Choosing a Career in Income Tax Preparation

During these unstable economic times, a career in tax preparation just might be a wise safety net plan for the thousands of financial and bank services employees facing lay offs and terminations.
Many of these employees scheduled to lose their job are older workers who may find it very difficult to find a job with a comparable full-time salary.
These individuals are too young to retire, but too old to find work easily.
Did you know that tax professionals use many of the same skill sets as financial professionals and bankers? Tax preparers must have the ability to conduct thorough interviews with their clients and be able to discern the pertinent and relevant financial and personal information required to complete their tax forms.
In addition, the tax professional needs to keep all information obtained completely confidential.
In order to correctly prepare income tax returns, the preparer must be familiar with banking, investment, and mortgage documents.
Attention to detail is required and the ability to research, learn, and interpret the many complicated tax laws that change on a yearly basis.
Careers in tax preparation require individuals that can work with numbers, use computer software programs, and display professionalism and good interpersonal relationship skills.
Now that virtually all income tax preparation uses tax computation software, the preparer only needs to use his basic arithmetic skills.
With increasing frequency, individuals are using tax professionals to assist them in their personal and business preparation.
In other words, it is an employment field that has greatly increased over the past ten years and should continue to do so.
On average, 75 million people use tax professionals each year to help them with their returns.
It seems that every year the laws, exceptions, and application of tax laws get more complicated to understand.
It makes perfect sense that learning a career in tax preparation would put you on the cutting edge of the future.
What makes all of this so wonderful is that preparing taxes uses the same skill sets as many thousands of workers that are getting laid off.
In addition to the convenience of a new job using old skills, tax preparation can be an extremely lucrative income during the peak tax months every year.
Whether you get a job as an employee at a tax firm, or work on your own as a tax practitioner, it is possible to earn in excess of $100 dollars per hour.
The more experienced and proficient you become at preparing taxes, the more variety and flexibility you will have working yourself into a full-time career.

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