How to Create an Airplane Rivet in Photoshop
- 1). Open a new file, about 8 inches square. Create a new layer. Select the elliptical marquee tool. Hold the shift key, click the left mouse button, and draw a circle approximately 7 inches in diameter. The exact size isn't important.
- 2). Make your foreground color a medium gray (60% black) and the background color a dark gray (80% black). Fill the circle with the foreground color. Add noise. Go to Filter, then Noise, Add Noise. Make the amount 30% Gaussian, monochromatic. Click okay. Save your file.
- 3). Add motion blur. Go to Filter, Blur, Motion Blur. Make the angle 45 degrees and the distance 35 pixels. Click Okay. Go to Select, Inverse. Delete the background. Make sure you are working on Layer 1 and not the background layer.
- 4). Double-click on Layer 1 in the Layers palette. This brings up the Layer Style menu. Select Inner Glow. Click the checkbox next to the name, and then click on the name to bring up the options. Change these settings: blend, darken; color, black; technique, softer; source, center; choke 60; size 200; contour, cove, shallow; range 39.
- 5). Click on the Drop Shadow check box. Use the default settings.
- 6). Click on the Bevel and Emboss check box. Click on the name, and then make these your settings: style, inner bevel; technique, smooth; depth 100%; direction, up; size, 27. Leave the other settings at their defaults. Click OK on the Layer Style menu. Save your file.
- 7). Add lighting effects. Go to Filter, Render, Lighting Effects. Select the crossing style and set the spotlight to negative 68; focus 69; gloss 50 (shiny); material 100 (metallic); exposure 0; ambience 11; and texture none. Drag the lighting control handles until the light comes from the upper left corner.
- 8). Create the brush. Click on "Layer 1." Select the rivet. Go to Edit, Define Brush Preset. Give the brush a name, and click "OK." Your brush will now be available in your brush library.