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Motorcycle Insurance Provides Assurance

A motorcycle accident in San Francisco recently shut down one of the city"s major thoroughfares. The accident occurred on Oak Street and involved three cars and a motorcycle. Two people on the motorcycle and one of the car passengers all had to be taken to San Francisco General Hospital. This accident and two others that happened earlier this year in San Francisco"s Sunset District highlight the need for remaining alert to all other vehicles while driving a motorcycle. They also illustrate the need for all bikers to carry motorcycle insurance.

Most bikers are aware that they must be especially vigilant when on the road. They are much more vulnerable to accidents than car drivers, and their injuries are likely to be much more severe when in an accident. There are several things that a motorcycle driver can do to increase safety.

First, increase visibility. Bikers must remember that automobile drivers often have trouble seeing a motorcycle, therefore bikers must do everything they can to increase visibility. This can include using reflective strips and decals on clothing and motorcycles, flashing brake lights when slowing down or stopping, and making sure that headlights are on all the time, day or night.

Second, dress for safety. San Francisco bikers should always wear helmets and eye protection. Protective clothing such as leather or synthetic materials made to provide protection should be worn. Bikers should also make sure that all skin surfaces on limbs are covered. It is important for bikers to always remember that the only thing between them and the asphalt in an accident is their clothing.

Finally, stay alert. Always watch the road and other motorists for safety hazards. Make sure that there is enough space and time to respond if the need arises. Stay in lanes where visibility is heightened. Do not ride a motorcycle when excessively tired, or, of course, when under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

San Francisco bikers who follow these simple tips can increase their safety. Unfortunately, though, accidents still occur. This is why it is important for bikers to always carry adequate motorcycle insurance. In the event of an accident, the motorcycle is likely to be damaged. In addition, very few motorcycle accidents are without injury. Consequently, the motorcycle rider will always want the assurance of knowing that there is adequate insurance to cover any medical bills or motorcycle repairs that result from the accident. Also, should the accident turn out to be the biker"s fault, the motorcycle insurance offers protection from liability for injuries or damages to other drivers or vehicles.

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