How to Create a One Page Newsletter
- 1). Go to Microsoft Word's template website---a link is in the Resources section of this page. Click the "Newsletters" link under "Browse Templates." You may also be able to access the template library directly from Microsoft Word.
- 2). Download the template design of your choice. Templates come in different sizes, designs and page sizes. For this example, try to find a single page formatted with three columns.
- 3). Choose about three stories to write about on your newsletter. If each story is about 125 words, this is all you will have room for on one page.
- 4). Type in the title of your newsletter. For example, "ABC Dance Class Newsletter Brief." Type in the issue number and date of the newsletter in the designated box.
- 5). Summarize what can be found in the newsletter in the side column, which is usually part of a newsletter template. For example, "In this issue: New Dance Class Offered, Student Teacher Needed, New Lesson Times."
- 6). Place a descriptive photo underneath the side column or at the top of the main content section.
- 7). Write your featured story at the top of the content section. It should be about 150 words. Type in a short, catchy headline for the story.
- 8). List your next two stories in vertical columns underneath the featured story. These sections should be about 100 to 120 words each. Add headlines also.
- 9). Type a teaser line for the next issue at the very bottom of the newsletter. "In the next issue: An interview with our best student."
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Save, print and distribute the one-page newsletter to your group.