Affiliate Marketing - Planning For Profits
Every thing you read about affiliate marketing tells you that it is the quickest way to make a profit online.
It is also the easiest stream to start an online business in.
It is by no means any easier than the conventional business' at the start, it can however, be more rewarding financially.
So, before you read on or, look at other articles, I would just like you to realize that it will not happen for you overnight.
If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, then go buy Lotto, and good luck.
It is said that some people have been able to make money after 30 days, some within 30 days, so, don't believe that stuff that tells you that it's so simple that you'll be making money within 5 minutes or 15 minute after your purchase is processed, it's rubbish.
The attrition rate in affiliate marketing they say is around 95%.
That is, out of every 20 people who start up in this industry, 19 will more than likely give up too early.
You must therefore have a plan in place in order to succeed at anything you do.
Most people who start a business conventional or not will only succeed if they put together a business plan, it's the same with affiliate marketing.
Your plan is exactly that, a "Business Plan" Successful people are those who visualize there goals every day, they do it using their plan.
Your plan must have a step by step daily check sheet so you can see your progress, which will make it easier for you to visualize your goals.
The pluses about this business is that you really don't need anything other than the knowledge of; - how to become an Affiliate.
- where to go to choose a product or service to promote.
- how to choose a product to promote and why.
- how to promote your chosen products.
- how to get traffic go your Merchants sites.
Now there are many answers that will be correct for any of the above and I will try to point you to places where you can get some answers later in this article.
Why is affiliate marketing so popular on the internet? Well, almost everybody who is somebody will have a presence on the world wide web.
Any body who has something to sell, who has access to a computer every day.
With this particular industry, you don't have to have any product of your own to start.
all you need is a personal computer, you don't need; - your own Website.
- to know about or use pay per click advertising.
- to know about adsense.
- to have special software.
- hundreds of dollars for marketing.
- your own product as mentioned above.
In order to succeed you should start with an E-book on affiliate marketing.
Now, you can pick up many free E-books, I can not however vouch for any in particular.
You see, there are hundreds of them out there and some have been passed around as freebies for years.
The idea has not changed at all but there maybe processes that are in use now that may not be covered in the older free E-books.
I recommend that you consider spending a small amount that will show you how you can profit online without spending any more money than the price of a good E-book that will come with updates and provide support and advice in some way.
Now you can check out sites like, clickbank, commission junction, linkshare and paydotcom for products or services to promote.
To become an Affiliate Marketer you will need to sign up to one or all of them, you'll then be given an ID or User-name, It's free to sign up and remember your ID or User-name.
Choosing a product will take you longer as you'll need to learn to use some tools that will give you an idea as to how popular a product or service is and what the demand is for them, once you've chosen them.
You want to choose products that are in demand, even if they seem to you to be strange products to be selling.
The point is this, you aren't buying it, so why do you care as long as it is in demand people are looking to buy it.
That is your main goal.
To get people to find the products you're promoting and buy from your Merchants site, so you can get the commission, which can be anything upto 75% of the purchase price.
Sign up to as many Forums as you can manage, you can use these to get some advice on anything you can think off including affiliate marketing and how to promote them.
You can go to sites like EzineArticles, Goarticles and Articlecity to join (free) and post articles about your products and point them to the Merchants website.
Once your business is providing sales, choose more and think about getting your own website up and running.
You can even start with a Blog at blogger.
com, it's free.
Once you have an idea of what you'd like your site to look and feel like, get it built or build your own from free software available online at NVU just to name one.
Remember, Plan to succeed, set some daily goals, check them as completed each day what ever you do be determined to succeed and persevere.
You can not fail if your heart is set on succeeding as an Affiliate Marketer.
Good Luck.
Don't give up if you want it bad enough you'll get there.
Visit the Warrior Forum for advise and assistance if you need it, join first.
It is also the easiest stream to start an online business in.
It is by no means any easier than the conventional business' at the start, it can however, be more rewarding financially.
So, before you read on or, look at other articles, I would just like you to realize that it will not happen for you overnight.
If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, then go buy Lotto, and good luck.
It is said that some people have been able to make money after 30 days, some within 30 days, so, don't believe that stuff that tells you that it's so simple that you'll be making money within 5 minutes or 15 minute after your purchase is processed, it's rubbish.
The attrition rate in affiliate marketing they say is around 95%.
That is, out of every 20 people who start up in this industry, 19 will more than likely give up too early.
You must therefore have a plan in place in order to succeed at anything you do.
Most people who start a business conventional or not will only succeed if they put together a business plan, it's the same with affiliate marketing.
Your plan is exactly that, a "Business Plan" Successful people are those who visualize there goals every day, they do it using their plan.
Your plan must have a step by step daily check sheet so you can see your progress, which will make it easier for you to visualize your goals.
The pluses about this business is that you really don't need anything other than the knowledge of; - how to become an Affiliate.
- where to go to choose a product or service to promote.
- how to choose a product to promote and why.
- how to promote your chosen products.
- how to get traffic go your Merchants sites.
Now there are many answers that will be correct for any of the above and I will try to point you to places where you can get some answers later in this article.
Why is affiliate marketing so popular on the internet? Well, almost everybody who is somebody will have a presence on the world wide web.
Any body who has something to sell, who has access to a computer every day.
With this particular industry, you don't have to have any product of your own to start.
all you need is a personal computer, you don't need; - your own Website.
- to know about or use pay per click advertising.
- to know about adsense.
- to have special software.
- hundreds of dollars for marketing.
- your own product as mentioned above.
In order to succeed you should start with an E-book on affiliate marketing.
Now, you can pick up many free E-books, I can not however vouch for any in particular.
You see, there are hundreds of them out there and some have been passed around as freebies for years.
The idea has not changed at all but there maybe processes that are in use now that may not be covered in the older free E-books.
I recommend that you consider spending a small amount that will show you how you can profit online without spending any more money than the price of a good E-book that will come with updates and provide support and advice in some way.
Now you can check out sites like, clickbank, commission junction, linkshare and paydotcom for products or services to promote.
To become an Affiliate Marketer you will need to sign up to one or all of them, you'll then be given an ID or User-name, It's free to sign up and remember your ID or User-name.
Choosing a product will take you longer as you'll need to learn to use some tools that will give you an idea as to how popular a product or service is and what the demand is for them, once you've chosen them.
You want to choose products that are in demand, even if they seem to you to be strange products to be selling.
The point is this, you aren't buying it, so why do you care as long as it is in demand people are looking to buy it.
That is your main goal.
To get people to find the products you're promoting and buy from your Merchants site, so you can get the commission, which can be anything upto 75% of the purchase price.
Sign up to as many Forums as you can manage, you can use these to get some advice on anything you can think off including affiliate marketing and how to promote them.
You can go to sites like EzineArticles, Goarticles and Articlecity to join (free) and post articles about your products and point them to the Merchants website.
Once your business is providing sales, choose more and think about getting your own website up and running.
You can even start with a Blog at blogger.
com, it's free.
Once you have an idea of what you'd like your site to look and feel like, get it built or build your own from free software available online at NVU just to name one.
Remember, Plan to succeed, set some daily goals, check them as completed each day what ever you do be determined to succeed and persevere.
You can not fail if your heart is set on succeeding as an Affiliate Marketer.
Good Luck.
Don't give up if you want it bad enough you'll get there.
Visit the Warrior Forum for advise and assistance if you need it, join first.