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Detailed Review Of The Mobicam Av Color Video And Audio Baby Monitor

The Mobicam AV color video and audio baby monitor is one of those baby products that have been getting great reviews as of late. For it's price range (less than $100), it's hard to find many other baby monitors that provide parents with both the ease of mind of offering accurate audio and video signals, and also the convenience of being light weight and compact. This is important for those parents that are constantly on the go. The display monitor is 2 inches wide, but the video can also be set up to display on any television or even streams online for remote monitoring.

With some of the video baby monitors on the market, the video can be quite unclear, resulting in never actually watching the video and resorting to using the audio feature alone. This is not the case with the Mobicam. It is known to have crystal clear images of your baby, so that you know that he or she is getting a restful night sleep and is completely safe. The range on this monitor is extraordinary, giving reliable reception up to 300 feet outdoors. It has been said that the signal on this model is so strong that it sometimes will pick up your neighbors nursery if you're both on the same frequency. This can be easily rectified by changing the frequency of the monitor and should not be viewed as a negative, but a testament of how strong the wireless transmissions are. Another feature to look for is ease of use and portability. The Mobicam has this covered because it is very easily positioned and small enough to be completely portable, enabling you to bring it wherever you need it to be.

There are some features that you don't even realize that you need, but once you have them you'll never want to be without them. One of these is the night vision feature on the Mobicam. You'll never have to leave the lights on again in the baby's room. This, allows for a more restful sleep for the baby without a light blaring in there eyes. Of course there are certain other features that are not exclusive to this brand, but are things to look for nonetheless. Whether or not you have more than one baby in the house, forces you to consider a brand that offers multi room video monitors. Gone are the days were you either make the choice of monitoring the youngest and taking it away from the older baby, or having to deal with major cross interference between the two different monitors in each of there rooms. The two room model is very valuable to you under these circumstances and can be provided to you with a Mobicam unit.

A Mobicam AV color video and audio baby monitor is an investment that you will be making in your own peace of mind. Having a high quality monitor on hand makes leaving the baby in there room for naps during the day or sleeping at night much less stressful on you.

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