Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

7 Sure-Fire Tips on Housebreaking Puppies

Follow these time-tested tips on housebreaking puppies for success.
They work for all dog breeds.
Involve the whole family in house training your puppy.
This helps socialize your puppy.
It also makes it more likely that someone is available when your puppy needs attention.
Children under ten years old will need supervision.
Make sure everyone follows the same training methods.
Any variation will just confuse your puppy.
For example, always use the same cue word for your puppy to associate with going to the toilet.
Give your new puppy the attention it deserves.
Frequent accidents means you're not paying enough attention to your puppy.
Restrict your puppy to a small room in the house until house trained.
It should have an easy to clean floor like linoleum.
A baby gate is a good way to keep your puppy in the room.
Have it's bed or crate in one corner, Water dish in another corner, and feed him in another corner.
Make sure he has some chew toys #5.
Don't punish your puppy after he has an accident.
If you catch him in the act - interrupt him with a verbal rebuke and perhaps a clap of your hand.
Puppies tend to eliminate in the same spot again and again.
They find this spot by smell.
Deodorize thoroughly if there's been an accident.
If he uses the spot again, you probably didn't use enough deodorizer product.
Reward your puppy when he eliminates in the correct place.
Praise him during and immediately after the event.
Use an enthusiastic tone.
With repetition, your puppy will associate the correct behavior with the reward

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