Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Obedience Training For Dogs, Once You"ve Got it, You"ve Got It

Does your dog always do what you want him to? Is he well behaved, or is he a public nuisance? If you do not completely enjoy spending time with your dog, it may be because he hasn't been properly trained.
Training your dog is very important if you want to have a positive experience with mans best friend.
There are several things that you can do to ensure that your dog will be an obedient companion.
Dogs are creatures of habit.
They like to have a routine in their life.
They like to eat, sleep, play, and go to the bathroom at the same time everyday.
Once you realize this and use it to your advantage, obedience training for dogs can become easier for you.
By establishing a regular routine of training you can make obedience something that your dog looks forward to.
It also helps when your routine of training is part of playtime.
By doing this you increase your chances of success.
Another important aspect of obedience training for dogs is patience.
Think of anything that you have ever been taught.
Didn't the person teaching you have to show patience? For example, think about when you were learning to walk.
Now, you probably do not remember this, but your parents do.
You did not learn to walk in one day.
It may have taken weeks or months for you to finally take those first steps, but your parents did not give up on you just because you did not get it right away.
The same is true with obedience training for dogs.
It takes some time for your dog to learn the behavior you want to see, but like learning to walk, once your dog learns obedience he will not forget it.

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