Custom Album Design Vs Template Album Design
As a wedding studio owner, there are many complicated dilemmas you face.
One of the biggest questions you need to answer are whether to use custom made album designs, or use templates.
Templates, while many are quite artistic and beautiful, provide quite a quick turnaround time and are usually cheaper on a per album cost.
The problem with templates is that it lacks creativity and albums start to become repetitive and dull.
You will start to notice that every couple of jobs, you are starting to turn around the same albums.
That limits you from selling you clients a "custom" album because they're album will be quite similar to your other clients.
Custom Designs on the other hand cost a little bit more because they might take a little more time.
However, the upside definitely outweighs the templates in regards to what you clients are receiving.
First off, when you album design is done in Photoshop, specifically for your images, you can sell your clients "purely customized" albums.
Additionally, no two books will ever look the same.
No client can ever say they have similar designs to someone else.
To me, it's a no-brainer.
There is too much upside to offering customized albums versus a template based album.
And once to make your first customized album, you will never look back.
It will change the look of your photographs and show your work in a whole new light.
And best of all, your clients will love their custom albums which will ultimately leas to more referrals.
One of the biggest questions you need to answer are whether to use custom made album designs, or use templates.
Templates, while many are quite artistic and beautiful, provide quite a quick turnaround time and are usually cheaper on a per album cost.
The problem with templates is that it lacks creativity and albums start to become repetitive and dull.
You will start to notice that every couple of jobs, you are starting to turn around the same albums.
That limits you from selling you clients a "custom" album because they're album will be quite similar to your other clients.
Custom Designs on the other hand cost a little bit more because they might take a little more time.
However, the upside definitely outweighs the templates in regards to what you clients are receiving.
First off, when you album design is done in Photoshop, specifically for your images, you can sell your clients "purely customized" albums.
Additionally, no two books will ever look the same.
No client can ever say they have similar designs to someone else.
To me, it's a no-brainer.
There is too much upside to offering customized albums versus a template based album.
And once to make your first customized album, you will never look back.
It will change the look of your photographs and show your work in a whole new light.
And best of all, your clients will love their custom albums which will ultimately leas to more referrals.