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Selecting the Right Remote Control Boat For You Means You"ll Enjoy Many Hours of RC Hobby Fun

You have many different remote control boats to choose from after you make the decision that a boat is the right RC model for you.
Your first consideration is what mode of boating you'll most enjoy.
  • Underwater radio control boating offers you plenty of fun, but limited opportunities for successful operation.
    The best water locations for a sub are aquariums and swimming pools.
    You must have clear water to watch, and properly control your submersible boat.
    Ponds and lakes are too murky for remote control submarine fun.
  • Surface boating gives you the most variety of boats including:
  1.      Motor yachts for leisurely and party cruising
  2.      Sailing boats for both relaxed cruising and racing
  3.      High speed boats for racing and pulling skiers
  4.      Service boats like tugboats, police boats, and firefighting boats
  5.      Military ships that include destroyers, aircraft carriers, submarines, missile cruisers, and patrol boats.
After you decide the type of aquatic experience you want, and the specific model to give yourself the most fun with, your next thoughts must turn toward the water environment where you'll operate your remote control.
Manufacturers design RC boats to work in fresh water, or in either fresh water or salt water.
If you plan to play in salt water sometimes, before you make your purchase be sure you find a boat that works in the sea.
Place a fresh water only boat in a salt water environment, and you won't play with your boat very long before the salt attacks the working parts of the drive train.
(And the hull structure in some cases.
) A boat designed for salt-water use is safe in fresh water, and you might think a salt-water boat is your best choice.
When time comes to make that choice you'll find an inequality of choices here too.
Manufacturers design more boats for fresh water operation only than for salt-water use.
Radio control boating offers many hours of fun when you take time and carefully select the right model for you.
Controlling your nautical toy often fills you with so much pleasure that time passage disappears from your conscious thoughts.
But buy the wrong RC boat, and you'll become quickly bored because you'll find no pleasure in your remote control boating hobby.

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