How Can Honey Fit Into Your Psoriasis Treatment Solutions?
Psoriasis sufferers are constantly looking for a treatment solution that might not be mainstream.
Since not all psoriasis patients can find relief with the same treatment, a patient may have to search far and wide to find a psoriasis treatment solution that works for them.
That being the case, here is a treatment solution that warrants your consideration.
As the title gives it away, it involves the use of honey.
Now before you run out and buy a gallon of the stuff and pour it all over you, you need to keep reading and pick up some tips in order to prudently use honey for your psoriasis treatment solution.
Sure the stuff is sweet and gooey and performs wonders on most food that it touches, but did you also know that honey possess anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.
Honey can become your emollient of choice if you use it wisely.
It will soothe your skin, while softening your plaques and helping with their removal.
There are several psoriasis treatment solutions using honey, circulating in the popular press.
The two most common formulations are made as follows: 1) A mixture of honey and beeswax and olive oil.
You make this recipe by using equal parts of the three ingredients.
If you do not already own a mortar and pestle as part of your cooking utensils, this would be a good opportunity to get one.
Start out by making a small batch.
The first thing you would do is to place one tablespoon of beeswax in the mortar.
Next, add one tablespoon of olive oil into the mortar.
Now take the pestle and mix the two together, until you have a smooth mixture.
At this point, you can add the final ingredient, which is one tablespoon of honey.
Once again, mix thoroughly until smooth.
2) A mixture of honey and petroleum jelly in equal parts.
Just as before, place a tablespoon of petroleum jelly and a tablespoon of honey and mix the two ingredients until smooth.
Once you are happy with the results of either formulation, you can then scale up the batch quantity.
Mix enough of the ingredients so that you will have enough to apply the mixture to the affected area once or twice per day for a week.
If necessary, you can apply it for a second week.
You will find that either of the above psoriasis treatment solutions using should bring long-lasting relief to you.
It will soothe the skin by adding moisture and reducing redness and inflammation.
Since not all psoriasis patients can find relief with the same treatment, a patient may have to search far and wide to find a psoriasis treatment solution that works for them.
That being the case, here is a treatment solution that warrants your consideration.
As the title gives it away, it involves the use of honey.
Now before you run out and buy a gallon of the stuff and pour it all over you, you need to keep reading and pick up some tips in order to prudently use honey for your psoriasis treatment solution.
Sure the stuff is sweet and gooey and performs wonders on most food that it touches, but did you also know that honey possess anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.
Honey can become your emollient of choice if you use it wisely.
It will soothe your skin, while softening your plaques and helping with their removal.
There are several psoriasis treatment solutions using honey, circulating in the popular press.
The two most common formulations are made as follows: 1) A mixture of honey and beeswax and olive oil.
You make this recipe by using equal parts of the three ingredients.
If you do not already own a mortar and pestle as part of your cooking utensils, this would be a good opportunity to get one.
Start out by making a small batch.
The first thing you would do is to place one tablespoon of beeswax in the mortar.
Next, add one tablespoon of olive oil into the mortar.
Now take the pestle and mix the two together, until you have a smooth mixture.
At this point, you can add the final ingredient, which is one tablespoon of honey.
Once again, mix thoroughly until smooth.
2) A mixture of honey and petroleum jelly in equal parts.
Just as before, place a tablespoon of petroleum jelly and a tablespoon of honey and mix the two ingredients until smooth.
Once you are happy with the results of either formulation, you can then scale up the batch quantity.
Mix enough of the ingredients so that you will have enough to apply the mixture to the affected area once or twice per day for a week.
If necessary, you can apply it for a second week.
You will find that either of the above psoriasis treatment solutions using should bring long-lasting relief to you.
It will soothe the skin by adding moisture and reducing redness and inflammation.