How to Convert a Paper Drawing to an Electronic Drawing
- 1). Place the paper drawing face down onto the scanner bed. Choose the "File" option in the Photoshop toolbar and then select "Import." Navigate to the name of your scanner. This will open your scanner software. Click the "Preview" button to view the image in the scanner program. Crop the drawing to the desired size by using the bounding box, and select a high resolution of 600 dpi in order to get as much detail of the drawing as possible. Click the "Scan" button.
- 2). Select the Layers palette and double-click on the image layer to unlock it. If you need to straighten your image, choose the "Image" option in the Photoshop toolbar and then select "Rotate Canvas." Navigate to the desired rotation option. Choose the "Image" option in the toolbar, select "Adjustments," and then select "Desaturate" to turn your image to grayscale. Choose the "Image" option in the toolbar, select "Adjustments," and then select "Levels." In the pop-up window, slide the three arrows under "Document size" until you are satisfied with the results. Click the "OK" button.
- 3). Choose the "Image" option in the Photoshop toolbar and then select "Image size." This will cause a pop-up window to appear. Under "Document size" set the "Resolution" to 300 dpi. Click the "OK" button.
- 4). Save the drawing as a "TIFF" by choosing the "File" option in the Photoshop toolbar and then select "Save." The "TIFF" file has a higher resolution that does not degrade. For Web use, a "JPG," "GIF," or "PNG" is the preferred format because of their small file size and coloring capabilities.