Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

How to Make a Girl Zombie Costume

    • 1). Choose what type of zombie you are going to be. Zombies were normal people before they were bitten, so you can dress any way you like based on what clothing you may have or what might be more fun. You could be a zombie movie star, athlete, cheerleader, teacher, teenager or mom.

    • 2). Zombify your choice of clothing. Zombies don't exactly take care with their appearance so they are going to look pretty rough. Use scissors to cut holes into your clothing in several spots, or rip the clothes to make them look worn and messed up. Cut an entire arm off your top and make the cuts jagged like the clothing ripped on something. Take your clothing outside and rub it into the dirt a little bit to add some wear to the look.

    • 3). Make up your face. Zombies are corpses that have been reanimated, so they aren't looking too fresh. Use a basic Halloween makeup kit to create an overall white face with some green accents. If you want to go all out, use latex wounds to look like you've been in battle with other zombies. Use your imagination. Make up your face with makeup and smear it all. Use fake blood around your mouth to look like you've gnawed on some unsuspecting humans. Dab some of the blood on your clothes as well.

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