Health & Medical Anxiety

What Are the Bare Necessities of Stress Relief?

While many know about stress, it appears like it has countless faces.
For some people it may seem like a simple evening fatigue.
Others experience it all day through, as a following anxiety shadow.
And some alarming increasing numbers of people get to meet it in its full blown embodiment: the Panic Attack.
Now, without explaining how each phenomenon is treated differently, we need to understand that the common base of them all is a poor stress management routine.
As a human being we need to breath, eat, be active, engage with others and fulfill our curiosity and ambitions.
But we actually learn the code of conduct by our experience.
This is why the learning style of trial and error is very common.
This is also how a habit is born.
Would not it be a pity if we just let the default perpetual act rule our destiny? The first bare necessity of stress relief is that a man is what he does.
Change the way you act and become a changed man.
Maybe you have not opened to the unlimited possibilities within you to become more relaxed, yet.
Still, you can probably imagine that every happy man, leaving in his penthouse got there by creating the foundations first.
For some it may be eating healthy, for some it is by picking the right social life and for some it may simply be the way we breathe.
Breathing right will not permanently stop us from being stressed out, but countering the stress effect has a great influence on stress relief and to the ability to cope with stress side effects.
We can practice breathing techniques at any chosen time and especially while getting stressed.
Full Breath Process can be preformed anytime, anywhere and as many times as we wish.
The process is simple and profound just because it gives the body an instant boost of focus and anchors it to the power of now.
The process is built from three breathing cycles.
In each cycle You Inhale through the nose and exhale from the mouth.
Each time you should let the air fill you enough, up to a point where it feels comfortable.
Then without a stop release the air.
Do not hurry and do not make it too slow.
Make the three cycles consciously and purposely.
Some may feel immediate stress relief, some may feel becoming calm and some may need more practice.
It is as powerful as it is a free and easy method to practice.
So, the next time you realize you are in stress, remind yourself of the bare necessities like breathing and creating healthy habits for a stress-free life.

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