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About Leather

The early cave men were probably the first to use animal skins for warmth and other protection.
Our ancestors hunted animals for meat; they to figured out how to use the skins to protect them selves.
They used the skins for what ever they could think of.
Although crude at first, it was affective.
The skins were cut into strips and used as lashings to hold things together like holding smaller skins to their feet as a type of shoe.
They could be used to hold small trees together to make a lean-to.
How ever the problem was the skins would rot and decay so it didn't last very long.
With his lack of knowledge it took centuries before man discovered different ways to slow the decay.
One way they found was to stretch the skin out in the sun to dry; this helped it to last longer.
This method made it hard to work with.
They found that certain oils rubbed into the skin softened it.
Eventually it was discovered that certain tree bark contained the elements to change raw skins into what we know as leather.
Tannic Acid is the element in the bark also known as tannin.
The exact period when this method of tanning began is uncertain.
How ever leather clothing has been found dating back to 5,000 BC.
The American Indians used the ashes from their fires mixed with water for the same results.
They had to then work it by hand to soften it.
Leather was used for moccasins, clothing and teepees.
Throughout time human civilizations have relied on leather for more than just clothes and shoes.
The further in time we came the more uses we found for leather.
All over the world every culture had it's own uses.
Arabs, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all had leather goods of some kind, in similar and different forms.
From the skins of virtually any animal with fur leather was made.
Items such as water containers, saddles, armor, sandals, shields, hats and chair cushions are just a few; there's so many more.
Most of which are still made today and almost exactly the same way.
Other than some machinery, synthetic tanning agents and wider verity of colors, the process hasn't changed in 200 years.
The art of leather making or tanning is one of the oldest forms in the worlds history of industry; from making, trading, selling and using.

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