Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Video Cell Phone with Mind Reader Enabling Device

We have all heard the scary thought that are cell phones or cooking our brains in causing cancer.
Although the microwave frequencies used by cell phones due in fact radiate from the headset the amount of power that actually comes out is very low and probably not a lot of damage can be done to your brain cells.
However, since your cell phone is sending waves into your skull, we may as well use those waves for something more positive.
For instance with a little frequency modification trickery we should be able to send the waves through your skull to the other side and pick up interference from your normal brain waves and thoughts.
Why would this be important?Well, because it would indicate which part of your brain waves were being activated in which part of your brain at a certain time.
Thus, we could use your cell phone to scan your brain and read your thoughts.
Now then, we would not actually be reading your thoughts but rather know about which realm you were thinking of you therefore perhaps interface with your cell phone and your brain waves to dial call.
For instance let's say you want to call your children or your wife or husband; your cell phone could read those thoughts in initiate the dialing sequence, simply because you thought of them while the receiver was put up to your ear and turned on.
I suppose this gives a whole new meeting to the friends and family program.
But, I am certain in the future you will see this feature available on every cell phone, and why not we have the technology now to make this happen, so it is only a matter of time.
Consider this in 2006.

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