Technology Networking & Internet

Target Your Traffic with Local SEO

Local search engine optimization is not really all that new. Below are some tips to help you use local searches to build your business.

One thing you can do to get as much as you can from local searches is to make sure you're listed with the big names in the industry. This means, of course, Google Maps and Yahoo! Local. These are the biggest names you can list with, so you should focus on that first before you think about moving forward. Your aim of listing with these huge names is to get more search engine traffic, which will help you realize your goals. Listing with Google Maps is actually easier than you may think. You just need to follow a simple process to complete the application, after which you will be either emailed or telephoned for the verification purposes. Once you have verified everything, you'll have to wait for four to six weeks before you can see your site in the local search listings. You'll see that Yahoo! isn't much different, except the verification process is missing. Yahoo! will even allow you to design your business listing to your liking.

Not only that, but you can get approved quickly, unlike Google which takes forever. Don't ever forget that technique, as that can take you further than any other tip you'll learn in reaching out to those you're trying to target.

Each location of your business should have its own landing page. When it comes to a local site, it won't help you to have multiple listings for one location, but if you have more than one location, you can target each one. The crucial point is that each separate location must have its own unique landing page that is obviously about the business in that specific place. What you should avoid is having a home page or single landing page that gets all the traffic from more than one local listing. You don't want your target audience to get confused in any way, which is why having a dedicated landing page will take you a long way. This is something that is worth paying attention to, even if it may not seem that important.

A simple SEO tip that is obvious is linking up with the locals. Make an effort to do as much networking as you can in your local area, as this will build your reputation and help your ranking. To increase your website ranking, as well as your overall reputation as a local business, you should seek out quality, relevant links to your site from established and highly regarded groups and businesses in your area. Backlinks are always essential for any website, and if you want to rank well locally, it helps if you have quality links from established local websites. Doing this will cause the search engines to see you as a quality site in your location. Keep in mind that what you are really looking for in backlinks is not so much the quantity, but relevance and quality. One link from the Chamber of Commerce is better than a 100 links from local blogs.

Don't worry so much about getting a huge number of links, but look for quality instead.

Overall, the local SEO tips that we discussed above can make a big difference if you apply them.

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