Society & Culture & Entertainment Movies


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Telling a Universal Story with The Break-Up: Vaughn said, ?The one thing I've learned is, wherever you're from, if it's a place in America or it's some place different, as much as things are different, they're really the same. And not just in relationships. People want to take care of their families. There's very much very universal truths about people from whatever background that they're from and the more different they seem, really the more close they are.

And that was one thing that we learned from Swingers. We had a lot of pressure when we ended up making the movie for nothing, but people said, 'People will never respond to this musical backdrop. The kids aren't into it. There's much more of a grunge music. This way talking, people don't understand it.' But my thought and Favreau's thought, was always, 'The more specific you are, the more universal you are.'

For me, accents and ways that people talk or perhaps their job occupations - the Midwest is not as much of a fashion-oriented place. People are not in the fashion industry as much as they are in Los Angeles or New York, but I think the dynamics are very similar. I think that's really universal. So for me, I really wanted Gary to be kind of a tour guide, a blue collar guy, from that kind of background, and Brooke to be someone who was kind of open and interested in the art world. But not from a place of financial success, just because she sort of liked it, not like it was something that she didn't love but she was just doing to be successful.

But yeah, I'd always loved Chicago and I guess you write with what you know. I grew up outside of the city so I felt very comfortable telling a story that was authentic to that place, similar to what we did in Swingers with Los Feliz and what Jon did New York in Made. It was a place I hadn't gone. I wanted to go make a film there. Selfishly, I wanted to be there in the summertime as well. I always thought it was a great backdrop for these two characters and the story that would be kind of universal. Although it's specific to Chicago, I think it's relatable wherever you're from.?

Vince Vaughn the Person Compared to His Character ?Gary?: Asked if he?s anything like this character or would he pitch in and help do the dishes or go to the ballet (something his character loathes), Vaughn said, ?I think we all have different sides of ourselves and definitely there are sides of myself in Gary, especially younger. It's exaggerated, again, for comedy. But yeah, I don't like to do dishes, no, not normally. I do do the dishes and I do contribute, but as I've gotten older, you're open and you kind of enjoy it more. But when you're younger, you don't really like it that much. Also, I do kind of like to watch sporting events and stuff like that.

I think that there is kind of a dynamic with men and women where guys are kind of less concerned with what color the curtains will be. They just want to sign off and have the conversation stop and girls are kind of like, 'It's kind of an important decision and everyone should sort of weigh in on it.' That's sort of where the comedy comes from.

But I have two older sisters. I've always gotten along really well with women. I love women. And so I've always in relationships not been as extreme as how Gary is. I really enjoy kind of the friendship part of the relationship as well. But I think there are just innate things that are truthful that when it comes to certain conversations or focus, and stuff that men and women have to learn how to kind of give the other person their space with stuff.?

The Key to Relationships: Vaughn offered his opinion on what makes for a success relationship. ?I think friendship is the biggest thing and, for me, a sense of humor. I like someone that can make me laugh, because I like to laugh at stuff, especially myself. I think you have to be able to roll with life. Life is always peaks and valleys. There's gonna be good times and bad times and when all the other things are there, the biggest thing for me is having someone that makes you laugh and that you have a friendship and a trust with, ultimately, in a relationship. When you're younger, you kind of have your priorities in a different place. But as you get older, I think that becomes most important to you.?

Page 3:Spoiler Alert - The Scoop on Reshooting the Final Scene

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