Home & Garden Home Improvement

Air Purification a Must for Health and Productivity

               Air quality is a serious concern for many Americans. People who spend long periods of time in the same home or office building begin to run serious health risks if proper attention isn't paid to air purification and ventilation. There are many different, harmful particles that can float through the air without any way of recognizing them. Calling an HVAC service to install an air purifier will cut down on those harmful little compounds and do wonders for your health and quality of life.


                The term for declining air quality of a building is "sick building syndrome" (SBS). The qualities of SBS are that harmful particles in the air are circulated and breathed in by the occupants of a building. The symptoms of SBS tend to begin with discomfort, and progress into illness, nausea, and dizziness. Depending on how hazardous the infecting particles are, illness can evolve to much more serious conditions if the air supply isn't cleaned and the source of the harmful substances either removed or contained.

                What are these harmful substances that contribute to declining air quality? A lot of them are the well known pollutants such fungi, or second hand smoke. Some of them are less familiar, however. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are emitted from many different building and cleaning materials that make up a building or house. These VOCs are especially common in older homes, and can do short and long term damage to health and HVAC systems.

                There are given means of cutting back on VOCs like keeping harmful chemicals covered, and not storing any paints or cleaners that are partially full and will not be used for an extended period of time. However, this will not purify the existing air supply and cannot entirely address the problem of having fresh, healthy air. An air purification unit will.

                Most air conditioning contractors will install an air purification unit for relatively low cost. Units can be external, working in the room that you're trying to filter, or integrated with your existing ventilation system to purify the air in your entire home. An air purification unit will be able to cut down on odors, and harmful compounds in the air caused by VOCs, second hand smoke, and other airborne medical and comfort concerns.

                Whether it is your home or office, fresh air is a necessity. Health and productivity is the key to a strong quality of life, and the airborne VOCs that come with dirty air will do harm if not dealt with in an efficient manner. Air purification units can be installed by HVAC services to cleanse the air supply, and to effectively cut back on VOCs and other pollutants that can damage your quality of life.

                If you live in the Buffalo, NY area & you are looking for an air conditioning contractor to install an air purification unit in your home or business then contact Belknap Heating & Cooling Inc. Visit their website at http://www.belknapheating.com/

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