Health & Medical Women's Health

Alternative Medicine and Endometriosis

Endometriosis is usually first discovered after many attempts at falling pregnant or having extreme period pain.
The result is a visit to the Gynaecologist who usually does a scan of the uterus or a laparoscopy to discover the signs of this condition.
Many woman are then directed down the path of hormonal treatments for Endometriosis which serve to control the Oestrogen levels of the body.
Surgery is usually required again in a year to two years where the retrograde cells are removed through laser treatment.
These methods are not finding the source of the problem but are simply dealing with the condition as if the are putting out fires.
A small fire breaks out and they stamp it out but it starts up again and so they try to give it less oxygen.
Once the body is left alone without surgical treatment or hormonal treatment, the fire breaks out again and usually much worse than when it first started.
There are many different options for treating Endometriosis.
I don't believe treating the condition with hormonal treatments is the way to move forward as one is simply controlling symptoms and not the underlying cause.
Homeopathy focuses on the root cause of the condition and attempts regulate hormones naturally, without side-effects.
Endometriosis sufferers will often have similar persoanality traits.
They seek and exciting life, want change to occur often and cannot sit still very well.
They are easily agitated and want things to happen quickly.
They tend to be described as "scatter brains" or having a short-term memory.
These are indicators recognised in the homeopathic school of study.
Homeopathy therefore rectifies these imbalances by treating the condition with "like and like".
Patients are often prescribed Chaste tree berries with Dong Quai to regulate the hormones within the body.
This will take effect immediate and patients will often feel an extreme of their known personality traits and the associated pain of Endometriosis.
After 3-6months they will settle and eventually ease completely.
Traditional Chinese Medicine deals with the imbalance which has occurred in the pelvic area of the body and attempts to dispel the poor qi in the area.
It is often described as an imbalanced qi in the pelvic area.
Endometriosis patients will often describe similar symptoms which describe this well.
Some of the symptoms patients report include: poor circulation to feet, having cold feet or hands, poor digestion or soft stools, wanting warm drinks and feeling the cold more than normal, tight back and shoulders and various other often not reported symptoms.
These do vary according to each person so you may be experiencing different symptoms depending on which imbalance you may have.
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses diet, acupuncture and herbs to dispel and balance the imbalance in the body allowing it to heal itself.
Patients have also indicated success with other form of alternative healing but these two have been well documented for the treatment of Endometriosis.
They alleviate the symptoms and find the root cause of the condition and deal with the imbalance in a holistic approach.
What we eat is also dramatically important to how we feel.
Reducing fat and eating fresh and raw where possible is the ideal diet which work in combination with any treatment plan.
The benefits of using alternative methods in healing is that they are non invasive and different methods can be combined to achieve an overall result.
The downside of alternative methods is that they are not visible.
We cannot open ourselves up and see what is going on and make sure the methods are working for us.
We can only judge how we feel and since alternative methods often take 3-6months to show improvement is it often hard to gauge whether they are truly working.
There are however signs that will indicate an improvement which may seem slight but add to the overall picture.
They include better circulation, no nausea, no headaches, better digestion and more energy.
After years of trying hormonal treatments I believe alternative methods provide a much better long-term strategy to curing endometriosis.
There are many elements to this condition and no singular method will give a complete solution.
A holistic approach needs to be taken where all elements of diet, stress, exercise, herbs, supplements and personal emotional state need to be taken into account.
You can read about all these approaches on my blog page.

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