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Motivate yourself in 8 easy steps

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. While everyone suffers from stress, not everyone knows how to keep moving forward when life seems unbearable. By keeping a few simple tips in mind, you can learn how to keep yourself motivated and emerge stronger.


1. Set clear and measurable goals

No amount of motivation will suffice if you have ambiguous goals. An example of an unclear goal is, "I want a boyfriend." Instead, try something concrete such as, "I want to go on two dates each week," and outline the small steps needed to make it a reality.

2. Get a buddy/mentor/friend

The old adage "strength in numbers" holds true. There is nothing better than a like-minded individual to give you a little encouragement.

3. Motivational phrases

Yes, they actually work! Saying it is half the battle in believing it, so the next time you find yourself in need of a little pick me up, take a deep breath and mean it when you say, "I can do this!"

4. Be optimistic AND realistic

Having an ambitious goal is great, but if it is unattainable, you're setting yourself up for constant failure.

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5. No negativity

Negativity only breeds more negativity and will hinder your progress in the long run. Surround yourself with positive people.

6. Visualize your long-term goal

Take a few minutes each day to picture yourself after you've reached your goal. Use the end result to your advantage and take note of how you look and feel. By imagining yourself successful in the future, you'll be able to focus on the big picture rather than little hurdles along the way.

7. Focus on what you have and not on what you're lacking

When we're stressed, it is easy to forget all the positive things we've already accomplished. If you have a large weight loss goal, for example, remind yourself often of the little weight loss achievements along the way. Keep looking forward and not back.

8. Keep a journal/photo album of your progress

Whatever your goal is, document what you've completed every step of the way. Not only will this keep you organized, but it will give you the added motivation needed to persevere. It is a lot easier to get where you're going when you've seen where you've been.

Like the revered sci-fi author, Arthur C. Clarke, once said, "The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible." Once you master the art of staying motivated, the possibilities are endless.

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