Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Sports Car Insurance - What to Look For in Sports Car Insurance

Sports Car insurance is a crucial consideration for any high performance car enthusiast.
What is a Sports Car? Generally, if it looks like a sports car, handles like one and accelerates like one, it will be classified as a sports car by the insurance companies.
Every insurance company rates and classifies cars differently.
But most companies will use the ISO (Insurance Services Office) VIN rating system to determine the rating of any vehicle.
Ratings and Recommendations I owned a 1997 Corvette.
Because I'm over 50 year old and had a perfect driving record, Liberty Mutual did not rate me any higher for the 'Vette than the Mercedes E300 I now drive.
So, more variables than just horsepower come into play when buying car insurance.
Age of the driver, driving record, age of the vehicle, modifications, customizations, home location and many other factors affect insurance premiums.
That's why it is so important to get multiple insurance quotes.
If your car is a classic car, a modified street rod, or an exotic car, you may have to look for coverage designed specifically for collectible autos.
I recommend shopping for insurance BEFORE you close the deal on the car.
What will happen to your monthly budget if you buy a high performance car, but the monthly insurance premium payment equals or exceeds your car payment? You'd instantly place yourself in financial trouble at a time that you were looking to enjoy your new automotive toy.
Car Insurers also offer a variety of discounts, such as: oMulti-Unit oMulti-Policy oSafety Course oPrior Insurance oRenewal discount for maintaining continuous coverage You will also find a wide choice of deductibles and payment plans available.
Choosing higher deductibles will lower your premiums.
Flexible payment plans will help you manage your budget.
By using these strategies, you'll have the best chance at having fun cruising in your sports car!

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