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How to Paper Piece M&M's for Scrapbooking or Cards

    • 1). With a 1-inch circle paper-punch tool, punch out one circle each from sheets of red, blue, green, orange and yellow scrapbook paper, to match the colors of the candy pieces.

    • 2). Cut brown scrapbook paper into a 4-by-3 inch rectangle, to replicate the individual candy package.

    • 3). From white scrapbook paper, cut out two "m" shapes that are 1 inch tall. Cut out 10 small round eyes.

    • 4). Dip a cotton swab or chalk tool into chalk color that matches a candy: dark red with red, green with green, dark blue with blue, orange with yellow and orange circles. Lightly swab the chalk along the bottom and one side of the circle to shadow and give depth to the candy replica.

    • 5). With the black pen, shade in the top of the m&m's and the curved cutouts of the interior of the "m." Draw the pupils and outline of the eye pieces with the black ink. Glue eyes to the candy circles. Draw the mouths, eyebrows and noses on the candies with the black ink.

    • 6). With the white and black ink pens, draw 1/4-inch lines, 1/4 inch apart, along the right and left sides of the brown paper. This resembles the edges of the bag where it is fused together.

      Draw an "m" on each candy with the white ink. Dot each pupil on each eye with white ink.

    • 7). "Scrunch" up the brown paper in your hands, then smooth it back out.

    • 8). Glue the letters to the candy packet at a slight angle. Drawn the "s" just above the second "m" with the white ink pen.

    • 9). Glue the colored candy circles on the packet. Adhere to the scrapbook page.

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