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How to Survive Doll Collecting
Doll collecting, like any other collecting pastime can be overwhelming for a newcomer. Here are a few basic guidelines to help you get through the teething stages of doll collecting, which if followed will ensure that you do not end up bankrupt with hundreds of unwanted dolls within a very short space of time.
Buy what you love.
As long as you love each doll that you buy you will love doll collecting. Doll collecting is a passionate pastime and choosing what type of doll to buy is a personal choice that should come from the heart. If you cannot walk past a baby doll without feeling it has your name written all over it, then buy baby dolls. If your passions for dolls dates back to childhood memories of playing with wooden dolls and you have a sentimental attachment to these dolls then collect these dolls. Do not let anyone influence you in your choice of dolls as a doll collection brings responsibilities and you do at least want to enjoy fulfilling these duties.
Collect within your budgetary limits.
Most serious doll collectors would love to own a whole collection of OOAK (one of a kind) collectible dolls. Very few of us can afford to own even one. Decide what you can afford to buy and start a collection in this price class. There is nothing to prevent you from upgrading your collection at a later stage should your financial position improve.
It is Quality and not Quantity that counts.
You will be adding more value to your collection by purchasing one quality doll per year than adding a number of mediocre dolls. Doll collections can so easily get too big to really appreciate and doll collecting is a marathon not a sprint. Be selective and appreciate each doll when you do manage to buy it.
Do sufficient research.
Making an informed decision always gives us confidence in our actions. Read as much as possible about a particular type of doll and get as much background information on the doll artists whose dolls hold a particular attraction for you.
Do not let price guides rule your decisions.
The Blue Book is every collector's Bible, but this book is a point of reference only as there are numerous factors that can influence the value of a doll. Always use your own judgment in conjunction with price guides.
Buy from a reputable dealer.
This is of particular importance when purchasing antique dolls. Member of NADDA (National Antique Doll Dealers Association) must adhere to a strict code of ethics and membership requirements include at least five years experience in buying and selling antique dolls. All dolls must be guaranteed as to age, attribution, and physical condition in writing upon purchase. With modern new collectible dolls a reputable dealer will have a good after sales record and be knowledgeable about market trends.
Join a doll club.
Doll clubs are a great way of expanding your knowledge of the doll collecting world and a great way to share your ideas and aspirations. There is so much to learn from other doll collectors and these clubs often organize doll shows and other events that can bring a new dimension to your doll collecting.
Realize that you may want to upgrade your collection at some time.
Tastes change as we develop new ideas and are exposed to different types of dolls. Never feel guilty about wanting to change the direction of your collection. The money you get from the sale of your collection can be used towards your new-found doll collecting interests.
Enjoy yourself!
Remember that doll collecting is a pastime and it is meant to be enjoyed. Never let your doll collecting habits get in the way of family and friends and treasure the dolls that you are lucky enough to acquire. Always appreciate the doll friends you meet along the way even more than the dolls and you will find that you will always enjoy yourself.
Happy doll collecting!
Buy what you love.
As long as you love each doll that you buy you will love doll collecting. Doll collecting is a passionate pastime and choosing what type of doll to buy is a personal choice that should come from the heart. If you cannot walk past a baby doll without feeling it has your name written all over it, then buy baby dolls. If your passions for dolls dates back to childhood memories of playing with wooden dolls and you have a sentimental attachment to these dolls then collect these dolls. Do not let anyone influence you in your choice of dolls as a doll collection brings responsibilities and you do at least want to enjoy fulfilling these duties.
Collect within your budgetary limits.
Most serious doll collectors would love to own a whole collection of OOAK (one of a kind) collectible dolls. Very few of us can afford to own even one. Decide what you can afford to buy and start a collection in this price class. There is nothing to prevent you from upgrading your collection at a later stage should your financial position improve.
It is Quality and not Quantity that counts.
You will be adding more value to your collection by purchasing one quality doll per year than adding a number of mediocre dolls. Doll collections can so easily get too big to really appreciate and doll collecting is a marathon not a sprint. Be selective and appreciate each doll when you do manage to buy it.
Do sufficient research.
Making an informed decision always gives us confidence in our actions. Read as much as possible about a particular type of doll and get as much background information on the doll artists whose dolls hold a particular attraction for you.
Do not let price guides rule your decisions.
The Blue Book is every collector's Bible, but this book is a point of reference only as there are numerous factors that can influence the value of a doll. Always use your own judgment in conjunction with price guides.
Buy from a reputable dealer.
This is of particular importance when purchasing antique dolls. Member of NADDA (National Antique Doll Dealers Association) must adhere to a strict code of ethics and membership requirements include at least five years experience in buying and selling antique dolls. All dolls must be guaranteed as to age, attribution, and physical condition in writing upon purchase. With modern new collectible dolls a reputable dealer will have a good after sales record and be knowledgeable about market trends.
Join a doll club.
Doll clubs are a great way of expanding your knowledge of the doll collecting world and a great way to share your ideas and aspirations. There is so much to learn from other doll collectors and these clubs often organize doll shows and other events that can bring a new dimension to your doll collecting.
Realize that you may want to upgrade your collection at some time.
Tastes change as we develop new ideas and are exposed to different types of dolls. Never feel guilty about wanting to change the direction of your collection. The money you get from the sale of your collection can be used towards your new-found doll collecting interests.
Enjoy yourself!
Remember that doll collecting is a pastime and it is meant to be enjoyed. Never let your doll collecting habits get in the way of family and friends and treasure the dolls that you are lucky enough to acquire. Always appreciate the doll friends you meet along the way even more than the dolls and you will find that you will always enjoy yourself.
Happy doll collecting!