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How to Create a Fiberglass Hood

    • 1). Roll out the fiberglass cloth, and cut the pieces you need with scissors. Make sure the pieces are large enough to cover the entire area of the hood yet small enough so you will not have to trim away a lot of excess.

    • 2). Apply several coats of mold-release wax onto the donor hood. Wait for the wax to dry, and then apply polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) mold release with a brush. Wait at least six hours for the PVA to dry before applying the fiberglass layers.

    • 3). Apply the fiberglass layers onto the donor hood. Place the first layer of fiberglass cloth at a 45-degree angle. Apply fiberglass resin over the cloth with a brush until the first layer of cloth is saturated.

    • 4). Apply the next layer of fiberglass cloth at a 135-degree angle, opposite of the first layer. Apply fiberglass resin over each layer of fiberglass cloth. Apply the last layer of fiberglass cloth at a 90-degree angle.

    • 5). Apply a heavy coat of PVA over the fiberglass hood to allow the resin to cure completely. Trim the edges with a razor and allow the hood to cure overnight.

    • 6). Remove the donor hood from the fiberglass hood with mold-release wedges. Fit the fiberglass hood to the car to check how it fits. Sand down the edges of the hood with a rotary sander.

    • 7). Create structural ribs underneath the hood with expanding structural foam. Cut and sand the structural foam down to remove any sharp edges and angles. Apply a sheet of fiberglass cloth over the structural ribs.

    • 8). Apply a layer of 1.5-ounce chopped-strand mat over the structural ribs. Wet out the chopped-strand mat with resin, and set the fiberglass hood aside for overnight curing. Prep the hood for priming and painting after it has cured.

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