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3 Reasons To Hire A Houston Personal Injury Attorney

A Houston personal injury attorney can help you after a wide variety of different accidents. Whether you have been involved in a car accident, injured as a result of a defective product, or slipped and fell in a grocery store, a Houston personal injury attorney can help you to seek justice.

Sometimes, people are reluctant to hire a lawyer. This is natural- after all, you may never have had any contact with a personal injury attorney in the past and you may never have thought of yourself as the kind of person who would bring a lawsuit. You may also be concerned about legal fees, or the insurance company of the person who hurt you may be offering you a settlement that seems fair and you may not see the point of hiring a Houston personal injury attorney.

In reality, however, there are many reasons why hiring a lawyer is in your best interests. These three listed below are just the tip of the iceberg:

1) The insurance company is not on your side

After an accident, the insurance company who represents the person who hurt you may offer you a settlement (a lump sum of money to agree not to sue). You may think that the insurance company is doing this to make sure you get fairly compensated and you may even believe that the insurance company is out to protect your interests.

The sad reality is- they aren't. Insurance companies exist to make a profit and the less they can get away with paying you, the bigger their profit is. An Houston personal injury attorney knows the law and knows what you should be entitled to based on your injuries and the strength of the evidence you have, so your lawyer can represent your interests with the insurer, negotiate a fair settlement and tell you when they believe an insurance company is not being honest.

2) The laws are complicated and you have to comply to protect your right to make a claim

When you file a court action, there are many rules ranging from guidelines on how defendants need to be notified that they are being sued to rules about the font used to submit motions to the court. The rules also specify a limited time period in which you may bring a personal injury lawsuit, after which the "statute of limitations" will expire and you will no longer be able to sue.

A Houston personal injury lawyer knows the rules and can make sure you follow them all so you don't inadvertently jeopardize your case.

3) You have nothing to lose

A Houston personal injury attorney will generally work on a contingent fee basis, also called a no-win/no-fee basis. Under this payment structure, you only pay your lawyer if you win your case and collect damages or a settlement. This means that there is no risk to hiring a Houston personal injury attorney to handle your case.

Finding a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

If youve been injured, your best bet is to find a lawyer immediately. So whether you ask a friend for a referral or operate by word of mouth, get in contact with a reputable injury lawyer ASAP.

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