Blogging For Money
A blog is an online diary, you can write everything you want, your thoughts of the day or publish your family photos.
Basically, blogging is writing.
A personal blog is just a place where you tell stories to people.
It can be fun to do, you can also build a blog about your passion for animals, football, cars, etc...
But a blog is also a professional tool.
Actually lot of people use blogs for marketing or commercial purpose.
They talk about their business, promote their products or services.
Sometimes this kind of blog is associate to the business company, sometimes the blog is the company only website.
It ensures an online presence.
Well, small businesses or individuals who want to make money online almost all use a blog today.
First, starting a blog is free.
You can open one at Blogger.
Blogger is a free Google service.
Blogs are easy to use.
You don't need to buy hosting or register a domain.
When you sign up at blogger, everything happens online.
You log in to your account and start to write.
Your blog will be host by blogger and your blog will get a URL like http://yourname.
But if you can afford it, you can register a domain and host your blog on your own server if you want to.
This way you can have a good yourname.
com and look more professional, and keep the ease of use of the blog.
Blogger is of course not the only free blogging service on the internet.
WordPress seems to be very popular and so easy to use.
It offers more features than Blogger and will allow you to customize your blog at your needs, with plugins.
WordPress is free (check it at WordPress.
for marketing or commercial purpose? Yes.
While posting on blog, you can put links to the main website of your company if you have one, or to an affiliate program.
Lots of affiliates do that.
When they decide to market a product, they just write a review about it, then recommend it with their affiliate link.
You can also monetize your blog by adding ads to it.
AdSense, is an advertising program by Google.
I strongly suggest you visit the AdSense page to learn more about the rules and guidelines of the program.
Basically, you get paid when people click on the ads displayed on your website or blog.
Blogs are quickly indexed by search engines, but you need to update it regularly.
That means you need to add content to it on a regular basis.
If you can create a post per day, good.
Otherwise try to post three or four times a week.
Search engines love big websites, with lot of fresh content.
You have to make your blog growing, and keep adding content.
Search engines will index it and you'll get traffic.
If you forget your blog, so will search engines and your traffic will be really low.
You can also post comments on other blogs that are related to yours and put a link to your blog in the comment.
This gives you more exposure and more traffic.
But don't spam others blogs.
If you have to comment, write something useful or give your opinion.
Just don't say "nice article, visit my blog at...
" People don't like it and your comments will just be deleted.
So, why not starting your own blog now?
Basically, blogging is writing.
A personal blog is just a place where you tell stories to people.
It can be fun to do, you can also build a blog about your passion for animals, football, cars, etc...
But a blog is also a professional tool.
Actually lot of people use blogs for marketing or commercial purpose.
They talk about their business, promote their products or services.
Sometimes this kind of blog is associate to the business company, sometimes the blog is the company only website.
It ensures an online presence.
Well, small businesses or individuals who want to make money online almost all use a blog today.
First, starting a blog is free.
You can open one at Blogger.
Blogger is a free Google service.
Blogs are easy to use.
You don't need to buy hosting or register a domain.
When you sign up at blogger, everything happens online.
You log in to your account and start to write.
Your blog will be host by blogger and your blog will get a URL like http://yourname.
But if you can afford it, you can register a domain and host your blog on your own server if you want to.
This way you can have a good yourname.
com and look more professional, and keep the ease of use of the blog.
Blogger is of course not the only free blogging service on the internet.
WordPress seems to be very popular and so easy to use.
It offers more features than Blogger and will allow you to customize your blog at your needs, with plugins.
WordPress is free (check it at WordPress.
for marketing or commercial purpose? Yes.
While posting on blog, you can put links to the main website of your company if you have one, or to an affiliate program.
Lots of affiliates do that.
When they decide to market a product, they just write a review about it, then recommend it with their affiliate link.
You can also monetize your blog by adding ads to it.
AdSense, is an advertising program by Google.
I strongly suggest you visit the AdSense page to learn more about the rules and guidelines of the program.
Basically, you get paid when people click on the ads displayed on your website or blog.
Blogs are quickly indexed by search engines, but you need to update it regularly.
That means you need to add content to it on a regular basis.
If you can create a post per day, good.
Otherwise try to post three or four times a week.
Search engines love big websites, with lot of fresh content.
You have to make your blog growing, and keep adding content.
Search engines will index it and you'll get traffic.
If you forget your blog, so will search engines and your traffic will be really low.
You can also post comments on other blogs that are related to yours and put a link to your blog in the comment.
This gives you more exposure and more traffic.
But don't spam others blogs.
If you have to comment, write something useful or give your opinion.
Just don't say "nice article, visit my blog at...
" People don't like it and your comments will just be deleted.
So, why not starting your own blog now?