Health & Medical Anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms - How Anxiety Can Affect Your Social Life!

Life isn't always a bowl of cherries-we all experience stress or an anxiety attack more than once in our lives.
Most of the time, we can handle life's different challenges with grace but when stress gets the better of us and we begin to have severe anxiety attacks regularly, in which case, we might be developing an anxiety disorder.
Social Anxiety is one such disorder that can affect our lives and become debilitating.
But before treatment can be undertaken, a proper diagnosis is essential.
Broken down, Social Anxiety Disorder stems from its two main words, "social" and "anxiety.
" This disorder makes you fear and worry about being humiliated or laughed at.
If you have been diagnosed with this disorder, you might have a panic attack every time you are the center of attention or if you are in front of a large group of people.
You might also fear that you might say something to embarrass you in front of a group and this could cause you to stay away from parties or other social gatherings.
How do you know if you have a social anxiety problem? Below are the different Social Anxiety Disorder symptoms.
The fear of different social situations.
You might have a severe anxiety attack when with a group of people, such as in parties, talks and other social situations.
Your heart might start palpitating, you might have difficulty breathing and you might start sweating profusely when faced with these incidents.
The fear of parties or social gatherings long before the actual event.
Because you fear experiencing panic attacks during social events, you might dread the thought of the party of event itself.
Symptoms include having nightmares or having trouble sleeping just thinking or worrying about social events or situations.
Thinking up situations that might embarrass you.
This symptom can disrupt your life and keep you from enjoying the company of other people.
If you have a social anxiety disorder, you might imagine different situations wherein you say something embarrassing or do something shameful.
This, in effect, can cause you to avoid parties and other social events.
You get an anxiety attack every time you think of other people criticizing you.
Although criticism is very hard to take, if you have any Social Anxiety symptoms, you take criticism extremely badly.
This could cause you to get stressed every time you have to make a speech or presentation.
This could also stop you from talking to others, meeting new people or even going on dates for fear of being shamed or criticized.
You feel all the symptoms of panic attacks at social events
Your heart might start palpitating, you start sweating and breathing heavily every time you are in parties or each time you are asked to speak in front of class.
Although most of us are scared of speaking up or talking in front of people, if you suffer from a social anxiety disorder, these feelings are intensified.
Each one of us may feel anxiety when we are in situations that are new to us such as a first date or presenting an important project in front of a group of people.
Sometimes, though, if you experience any of the above Social Anxiety Disorder symptoms, then you might be developing a serious disorder.
It's best to get diagnosed and treated right away before anxiety and stress starts taking over your social life.

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