Business & Finance Careers & Employment

British Cambridge - Career and Employment Opportunities In Singapore

Mention the name Singapore and two of the first few things that will come to mind to the ordinary observer include strong economy and a small country. These two immediate observations come as no surprise since the state has built its reputation abroad as a state with a competitive economy and a state ready to face the challenges of the global world. In fact right after the state has gained its sovereignty in 1965 from the Federation of Malaysia, the state immediately addressed the many issues that prevented the city from developing.

The one issue that was faced was the limited land for its people and for business. Since land was scarce, large scale public housing was implemented. Since the economy was down, the government tackled un-employment and raised the standard of living. The end results are what people see now in Singapore. The city-state is being mentioned in the same breath with Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. With the creation of the right economic infrastructure, the economy of Singapore not only provides jobs for their people but offer career and employment as well for people from other countries. Right now a lot of people will not be surprised when someone from another country get that much-desired Singapore career and employment.

And speaking of Singapore career and employment, what are some of the jobs that are available in Singapore right now that people from other places can have? There are a number of industries that have made their mark in Singapore and all you need to do is to find your niche industry. One such industry that has made its mark and continues to bring in taxes and employment for the state is the manufacturing industry. Jobless ones can take refuge in the manufacturing sector of Singapore. Based on available data, the manufacturing sector of the state contributed significantly to the economy of the state. Records showed that the manufacturing sector amounted to 26 percent of the Singapore's GDP in 2005. Other than manufacturing, the state is also known for companies that are involved in information technology, the refining of petroleum, electronic and mechanical engineering. The financial sector of the state is booming as well. In fact the city-state is highly rated and considered as the world's fourth largest foreign exchange trading center.

For someone who might like to start his career to a good point, then a trip to Singapore will do the trick. The place is also friendly for those retirees who may want to work for a few years more. There are many industries out in the state now, and what the seekers can do is to find the suited and the appropriate jobs for them. If you are lucky, then you might encounter top paid jobs in a multi-national corporation based in the state. The person who is looking for opportunities in this state should not worry since a Singapore career is just around the corner. If you will be one of those who successfully got one, then you'll be part of the tens of thousands of foreign blue-collared workers working in this progressive state.

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