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Burn fat quickly by ingesting the right foods for your body

There is something called "lectins" that interferes with your digestion and impacts the functioning of your body. LECTINS are proteins found in plants and animals. Lectins have properties which make them resemble antibodies. Consume the wrong lectins for your body (based on your blood type) and your body will react in a negative way to them. Several studies have shown that ingesting foods containing lectins that are compatible with your blood type help you burn fat quickly, lose weight and regain your wellness.

Here are two case studies highlighting the importance of matching the lectins to your blood type (names and ages have been changed to protect the individual's privacy). The first case involves Amy. At 32 years old, Amy was overweight, had elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, polycystic ovaries, suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, depression and acne.

Very frequently, after working she would leave immediately to the ER with abdominal pain. She had severe fatigue and felt like a walking dead person. She even dropped out of college because she couldn't walk to her classes.

Afterreceivingthe diagnosis of pre-diabetes, Amy was given medication. She found out that she wasn't able to tolerate the drug. She took a leap of faith and reached out to a naturopathic doctor that she had heard of.

Lucky for her, the physician that she chose recommended that she stay on the blood type diet. Amy was happy when she heard about the Blood Type diet, she wanted to try it because she believed it sounded too good to be true.

Her physician gave her literature that instructed her to add and eliminate foods from her diet each week.

She liked it because she could see the difference in how she felt. As she ate the compatible foods, she felt great. As she ate the wrong food, she felt awful.

When she started, Amy knew there was no way she was going back to the way she ate before. She reported that she had more pep & less 1 discomfort.

In the initial 5 months on the plan Amy began to quickly burn fat and lost fifty pounds. A year in the program, she says she continues to lose weight, but the real benefit is in the way she now feels.

The next case involves my wife. After her fourth pregnancy she gained a tremendous amount of weight. Eight years later and she is still struggling to burn fat quickly and shed those pounds. It got so bad that she started limping (from joint pain), was diagnosed with elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. She even started snoring so terribly that in order to obtain a good night's sleep I had to move our out of the bedroom.

She tried each diet and club that are out there. She would perhaps lose a pound or two, become terribly bad-tempered and experience severe headaches. After a week or two she was seeking the next diet.

One thing that seemed to help a bit is a diet that promotes food separation. For example, by no means consume proteins and carbohydrates, and so on. Again, that diet helped for a while but subsequently she was back to the headaches and feeling lousy.

What eventually got her on the road to burn fat quickly is the uncovering that some lectins are actually adverse for her body (based on her blood type). She began avoiding the "bad" foods and added to her diet the proper ones. After no more than one week, she had lost 6 pounds! Not only that, she felt great. Two weeks into the diet and her cravings are thoroughly no more.

I also noticed that she is starting to walk more agilely and when she wakes up in the morning she seems rather rested. She is no longer going to bed at 9:00PM either (Yay!).

You can also get on track to a better and healthier body by consuming the right foods for your blood type.

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