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Who Oversees the Treasury Department?

    President and Congress

    • Ultimately, the responsibility for oversight of the treasury department falls on both the president and Congress. Since the president appoints the position, oversight comes directly from the White House. Additionally, Congress can issue subpoenas for individuals in the department if questions arise.


    • The secretary of the treasury is responsible for directing the actions of the department. This position is an executive office appointed by the president with approval from the Senate.

    Secretary's Responsibilities

    • The secretary oversees all aspects of the American economy. He works closely with the Federal Reserve chairman on national financial policy. In addition, he is the trustee for Social Security and Medicare.


    • The actual treasurer of the United States works on an advisory capacity to most officials within the department. The position is also responsible for directing all government funds.

    Treasurer's Duties

    • The treasurer herself is mandated to control the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which produces all of the country's currency. She also manages the Savings Bond Division of the U.S., part of the Bureau of Public Debt.

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