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Hoodia Gordonii Versus Senna - Which Works Better?

With the number of new discoveries in the field of herbal remedies and different natural treatments, a lot of people are now beginning to find new alternatives from their standard pharmaceutically developed drugs and medicines.
Most of the herbal remedy users find this type of treatment a whole lot more appealing due to the fact that they believe that these herbal remedies use only natural ingredients in their production and manufacturing, although it is a proven fact that not all that is natural can be good for you.
However, there are some natural herbal remedies that do have some good effects on their users, two of those are hoodia gordonii and senna.
Hoodia gordonii is a cactus-like plant that grows in the wild Kalahari Desert in southern Africa and has been used by the native tribesmen living there in order to suppress their appetites so that they may endure their long hunting trips in the desert without feeling the urge to want to eat.
This is an important part in their lifestyle, and has helped them survive through the times.
Senna, on the other hand, which is a member of the Leguminaceae family, is a shrub-like plant that is mainly used as a purgative.
Senna's leaves and pods contain the most potent concentration of its active ingredient that helps make it one of the most powerful laxatives over the ages, which is why it has been used as an ingredient in most of the over-the-counter laxative products that we have today.
Although these two forms of herbal remedies are both effective and have made an impact in our modern-day remedies and treatments, there are certain differences that help distinguish which one works better over the other.
Hoodia Gordonii The hoodia gordonii herbal supplement is mainly used to help people lose weight or to aid them in their whole process of fighting obesity.
Basically, the hoodia diet pills work by killing the person's appetite, allowing him to refrain from overeating by extending the time that he may feel hunger after his last meal.
This herbal supplement's P57 molecule gives its user a feeling of fullness, suppressing his appetite and eliminating his food cravings before the next full meal.
And, fortunately for those who are currently using hoodia as an alternative weight loss supplement, this product does not cause any known side effects, which means that there are very little risks when using it.
The only downside to this is that the hoodia plant is very scarce, making it difficult to continually produce diet pills that contain enough hoodia to remain effective.
Senna Senna's naturally occurring chemicals provide over-the-counter laxative products the ability to soften stools and stimulate bowel movements by increasing the contractions of intestinal muscle, thereby alleviating constipation.
Senna's active ingredient, which is called anthraquinone glycosides, helps accelerate the passage of stool by increasing the amount of water and electrolytes in the intestine and stimulating muscle contractions in the colon.
However, this type of stimulant laxative can cause a lot of side effects to its users, such as cramping of the stomach, diarrhea and gas, and for severe cases, dehydration, drop in potassium levels, as well as muscle weakness and certain heart function disorders.
Due to the risks involved in using senna, as evidenced by its number of side effects, hoodia gordonii appears to have the upper hand.
Hoodia Remedy - http://hoodiaremedy.

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